Reporting Title IX Violations
Reporting suspected Title IX violations, including suspected incidents of sexual violence, is integral to the University's efforts to remedy any past violations and prevent future ones. In order to facilitate the reporting of Title IX violations, the University has specifically designated certain offices to receive such complaints, and expects all employees (except confidential employees) to report alleged Title IX violations to the Title IX Coordinator. The University has also created an online reporting forum that allows submission of anonymous complaints.
Online (and anonymous) Reports
Deputy Civil Rights/Title IX Coordinator
LaCoya Williams
Human Resources Department
Cardinal Farrell Hall, 140
Deputy Civil Rights/Title IX Coordinator
Monica Heckman
Ed Maher Athletics Center
Reports to the UD Police Department of criminal conduct
University of Dallas Police Department
Haggar University Center, First Floor
Emergencies: (972) 265-5911
Non-emergencies: (972) 721-5305