Print Kiosks

Print Kiosks

Print Kiosks:

The University of Dallas has deployed Print Kiosks in several strategic locations on campus. Every fall semester each active student account is incremented by $2.50 or 25 pages. After the initial amount is exhausted, students can add print credits to their accounts in increments of $5, $10, $15 and $20 dollars. Surplus balances upon completion of programs are not refunded. However, we do refund money in case of system malfunction.

To use Print Kiosks follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your MyUD network username and password
  3. From the menu choices on the left, select Web Print
  4. Select Submit a Job
  5. Select Upload Document
  6. Select Upload from Computer and browse to your document
  7. Select Upload and Complete
  8. Once document is uploaded and held in a queue, you can release the print job by logging into a Print Kiosk.

Print Kiosk Locations

SB Hall – second floor
Braniff Building – southwest side of first floor, next to vending machines
Gorman Lecture Center – southeast side of upper level, next to classroom B
Haggar University Center – next to undergraduate admissions office
Cardinal Farrell Hall – Room 206
Additional kiosks will deployed as and when they become available.