Nonprofit Impact Awards
Have you made a positive impact with a nonprofit organization?
Send us a short video that describes the positive impact you've made with a nonprofit organization! If you're a winner, the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business will donate $500 to that nonprofit organization.
Your video can be as simple as a shot of you explaining what you did with the nonprofit or as elaborate as you choose. But the video must be produced by you, the entrant, and must be about your positive impact with a nonprofit organization.
So get your phone and submit your video now! The deadline has been extended to July 1, 2020.
The video must be based on how you made a difference through your work with a nonprofit. The video can be no more than a minute long. If you do not already have a YouTube account, you will be required to create one. Upload the video, capture the URL, and enter it in the form below. Make sure the video can be viewed by external members.
So what's in this video?
It must:
- Be a maximum of one (1) minute in length.
- Be submitted in one of the formats that YouTube or Vimeo accepts. Any other formats submitted and/or exceeding the time limit will be disqualified.
Winners will be based on the following criteria:
70% The positive impact of the work the entrant has made with the nonprofit.
30% Effectiveness and clarity of communication and mode of presentation.
The grand prize winner, as determined by the judges, will be notified by email.
Contact Dr. Greg Bell at with questions.
Submit by March 20 and be entered to win!