Student Managed Investment Fund

Student Managed Investment Fund

The University of Dallas Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business received a $100,000 gift from an anonymous donor to create a Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) program at the beginning of Fall 2013.  Specifically, $75,000 is allocated as start-up capital for stock trading, and the remaining $25,000 is reserved for related administrative expenses.

SMIF Launch

The mission of the SMIF at the University of Dallas is to enhance students' academic pursuits in the study of finance by offering exposure and participation in investment analysis and portfolio management.  Students get first-hand investment experience by participating in the SMIF.  In keeping with Gupta College of Business's mission to "prepare its students to become competent and responsible managers who are principled and moral leaders," the SMIF follows Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria when selecting stocks and invests only in "ethical" or green" stocks with good corporate governance.

The SMIF is used to complement coursework in Portfolio Management in the M.S. Finance Program, which is also an approved Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) University Recognition Program.  This recognition means that the MS in Finance at UD is a rigorous and marketable degree.  The SMIF student managers make independent investment decisions to buy, hold, or sell stocks under the guidance of the faculty advisor.  The knowledge students acquire from this program will prepare them well for careers in the investment field.


SMIF Scholarship

A portion of the returns generated by the Fund is dedicated to a scholarship program for prospective and current students with a demonstrated interest in finance. Ultimately, SMIF provides student managers with a competitive edge over peers in realizing their career objectives and prepares students for the (CFA) Level 1 Exam.  The faculty Advisor with a CFA certificate will sponsor students for the exam.  Students will receive a scholarship for the CFA program.