Chemistry Research Opportunities

Chemistry Research Opportunities

Research is required for the B.S. Degree in both Chemistry and Biochemistry. Research is most frequently done during the summer of the junior year either at UD or at other institutions. Research students receive a stipend for work and often also room and board. Students frequently present their research at professional meetings. 

All faculty in the department have active research labs with external funding. Over the last 20 years, the department has benefited from the Robert A. Welch Foundation, the W.M. Keck Foundation, Argonne National Lab, and the ACS Petroleum Research Foundation. All students can contact faculty to learn more about research positions in the summer or during the school year.

Below are some of the recent research positions our students have held:


University of Dallas

University of Texas at San Antonio

University of Texas Dallas

RIce University

Saint Louis University

Pacific Northwest National Lab


University of Dallas

Texas State University

Louisiana State University

University of Nebraska Lincoln

Clemson University

Pennsylvania State University


University of Dallas

John Hopkins University

Georgia Southern University

University of North Texas

Texas A&M University

Boise State University


University of Dallas

Purdue University

San Antonio Research Center

Stanford University


University of Dallas


University of Dallas

UC San Francisco

City College of New York

Northwestern University

Texas Christian University

UT Southwestern

University of Virginia Medical School

Houston Methodist Research Institute

AbbVie Pharmaceuticals

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France


University of Dallas

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

Wright State University

Johns Hopkins University

University of North Texas

U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research

University of Massachusetts Amherst


University of Dallas

AbbVie Labs

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Purdue University

University of Miami

University of Cincinnati


University of Dallas

Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

University of New Orleans Advanced Materials Research Institute

UT Southwestern Medical Center


University of Dallas

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Texas State University (San Marcos)

University of Oklahoma

Washington State University

Emory University School of Medicine

Georgetown University

University of Nebraska

AbbVie Pharmaceuticals

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center


Baylor College of Medicine

Kansas State University

Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany

Virginia Commonwealth University

Rice University

University of Texas at Dallas

University of Dallas/University of Kentucky

University of Dallas


Abbott Laboratories

Massachusetts Institute of Technology\University of Dallas

University of Illinois

University of Koln, Germany

University of Texas at Austin