Emmanuel Dalavai, DBA Candidate

Emmanuel Dalavai, DBA Candidate

Global Program Manager, Training & Leadership Development. Aviall, A Boeing Company.

Passionate about cultural awareness and improving the multicultural literacy quotient of his clients, Emmanuel Dalavai teaches people from around the world to understand each other better. He has lived on three continents in places like Kansas City, Dallas, London, Paris, Geneva, Lyon, and has traveled extensively for work and pleasure. He is President of EVD Enterprises/Enterprises Without Borders, a consulting firm he started several years ago that helps global business leaders better understand the complex worlds in which they live.

Emmanuel’s corporate career began in technical sales with SBC Communications/AT&T. From that position he was

Emmanuel Dalavai

Dalavai successfully completed his dissertation proposal in May 2017.

promoted to risk analyst, business analyst and finally corporate trainer before leaving the company to devote himself to training and education in other fields. As a global business leader, he has worked in the telecom, healthcare and aviation/aerospace industries. He has helped leaders to promote the positive aspects of increased cultural awareness, to bridge the cultural divide among various people groups, and is delivering cross-cultural and global language solutions to companies worldwide.

Presently, Emmanuel is employed with Aviall, A Boeing Company, where he is the global leader of training and leadership development for all 42 of the firm’s locations. He also serves on the Organizational Change Management team to establish Boeing’s new Global Services business headquartered in Dallas, TX. In addition to these duties, he serves as a coach to some of Boeing’s high potential leaders at the Boeing Leadership Center in St. Louis. Emmanuel provides seminars on supply chain/global commerce, cross-cultural communication, emotional intelligence and servant leadership at various academic institutions and at leadership conferences. He possesses a passion for public speaking and training professionals to equip them with the tools necessary to become better agents of change in the marketplace.


  • B.A. / Chemistry
    University of Kansas
  • B.A. / French
    University of Kansas
  • Masters / Telecommunications Management
    University of Dallas
  • MBA
    University of Dallas
  • Project Management
    Stanford University

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