Russell Smith, DBA Candidate

Russell Smith, DBA Candidate

Manager, Managed Care at Medela, Inc.

Russell Smith

Russell is a 20 year veteran of negotiating and managing purchasing agreements on behalf of pharmaceutical and durable medical equipment manufacturers with IDNs, Federal Government, GPOs, Long Term Care, Specialty Distribution, Trade and Managed Care Organizations. He excels at securing and improving long term national contracts, cultivating influential and productive relationships, and meeting and exceeding major business objectives. Russell earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of Houston, an MBA at the University of Texas at Dallas and is currently working on a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) at the University of Dallas. After graduating, Russell plans to use his DBA to further improve organizational performance in the pharmaceutical and durable medical equipment industries.


  • BS / Business Management
    University of Houston
  • MBA
    University of Texas at Dallas

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