Kathryn Ball

Kathryn Ball

Seneca Scholar: Kathryn Ball
by Annie Stepek, Braniff Student Assistant

Kathryn Ball, an 11th and 12th grade English teacher at Veritas Academy in Austin, Texas, has a deep enthusiasm for classical education. As a young student, she attended a classical Christian school and enjoyedKathryn Ball her experience so much that she jumped at the opportunity for to work at a similar school after college. 

Having received her undergraduate degree in English and French from the University of Texas, Kathryn was drawn to the Classical Education program at the University of Dallas because of it was design specifically for classical educators. As a classical educator herself, she loves that what she learns often apply directly to her job and that she can continue teaching while pursuing her studies. In addition to the program being a perfect fit for her in terms of convenience and time, she cannot fathom having to choose between some of the courses because “they all sound so interesting!”

Kathryn is completing her first semester in the program and currently taking Dr. Peterson’s course, "Classical Pedagogy: Ancient and Modern," one of the core courses in the program. Her favorite part of the course is the opportunity to experiment with the techniques she is learning in her own classroom. Additionally, being a student again has given her a “fresh perspective” on the student experience, so she is better able to frame ideas for her own students.

Kathryn has enjoyed reading both ancient and modern books which she only heard of in summaries or discussions prior to joining the program. One selection that has taken her by surprise this semester is Machiavelli’s The Prince. Before Dr. Peterson’s course, she never would have dreamed of using the prince as a metaphor for teaching, but now she has gained deeper understanding of the book and its implications.