Humanities Requirements

Humanities Requirements


Humanities Degree Requirements 

The Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts offers a Master of Arts in Humanities. Several courses can be completed online.

Master of Arts in Humanities: 36 credit hours


Students must complete 30 credit hours of coursework at the 5000 level or above.
Humanities students must take three of the four Great Works Courses.
The thesis requirement comprises 6 credit hours.
Before beginning the M.A. thesis, the candidate must demonstrate a reading competency in Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, or Italian.  The language requirement may be met by completing an upper level language course with a grade of B or better, or by passing an examination in translation.
Students complete a comprehensive, written examination on three questions that professors write, based on three general topic areas that students previously discuss with their professors. Topics may not be identical to students' final paper topics in any of their classes.

Additional Stipulations

  • All requirements for each degree ordinarily must be met within six years of a student's registration in course work, excluding leaves of absence.
  • Up to six credit hours of graduate work at other institutions may be accepted for transfer after a student has completed at least nine credit hours at the University of Dallas.
  • Entry into the program requires a bachelor's degree, but not necessarily in one of the humanities, and permission of both the Director and the Dean of the Braniff Graduate School. Non-degree students are welcome to participate in any part of the program after consulting with the Director.
  • University undergraduates may count Great Works Courses as part of a Humanities graduate degree only if they have taken them at the 6000 level and have not counted them toward the undergraduate degree. 

Classical Education Concentration

Current and aspiring educators devoted to the classics of the Western tradition can earn a Master of Arts in Humanities with Classical Education Concentration, or a Certificate of Classical Learning. These programs are part of the Humanities Graduate Program and include specialized courses designed for classical school teachers and administrators.