2024 Hazing Report

2024 Hazing Report

Hazing Report - On or After January 1, 2024

(updated 1.1.2024)

The Texas Education Code (Sec. 51.936) requires that University of Dallas, not later than the
14th day before the first class day of each fall or spring semester, publish and distribute a
summary of the Texas Hazing Law, subchapter F, Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code, and a
list of organizations that have been disciplined for hazing or convicted of hazing on or off the
campus of the institution during the preceding three years. In compliance with this law,
University of Dallas provides the following information:
UD’s statement on hazing is a summary of the Texas Hazing Law. Additional information about
hazing may be found in the Texas Education Code, Chapter 37, sections 37.151 through
37.158 and Chapter 51, section 51.936.
To report possible cases of hazing, please contact the Office of Student Life, University of
Dallas Police Department, or submit an online complaint through EthicsPoint.

Hazing Cases Report (Preceding three years, after January 1, 2024)
