Rich Berard, Jr. is a finance and economics executive who currently serves as the Managing Partner of Behavariolastics - a behavioral business science consulting firm. In this role he is responsible for the management, strategy and growth of the firm and ultimately responsible for the delivery of consulting services to the firm's clients.
Prior to Behavioralistics - Berard served as a Managing Director at Accenture - the world's largest management consulting firm. In this capacity he advised global energy clients on complex company financial transformation initiatives, including mergers and acquisitions and strategy.
For 15 years, Berard was a senior vice president of Hunt Consolidated, Inc. serving as the executive in charge of the Office of Program Management, responsible for the project management, oversight and coordination for many of the growth, investment and business building programs of the corporation. While at Hunt Berard also, had functional responsibility over strategic management reporting, corporate finance, financial administration and strategic planning.
During his career Berard has also served as a Senior Manager at Arthur Andersen, LLP, in its Global Energy practice, consulting to global energy clients in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, business transformation, strategic cost management and organizational optimization and design. As well as an Energy Economist employed by a foreign government analyzing energy markets and large scale global investment opportunities.
Dr. Berard received a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from the University of Miami, a Master of Science (MS) degree in economics with honors from Bentley University and a Doctorate of Business (DBA) degree from Georgia State University with honors and membership into Golden Key and Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Societies.
Berard resides in Texas with his wife of 25 years (Ann) and two sons, Jake (22 years old) and Jamison (13 years old)