Art History - Constantin College - University of Dallas
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Courses in Art History
1311. History of Art & Architecture I. Survey of Western art and architecture from Egypt to the Baroque. Fall.
1312. History of Art & Architecture II. Survey of Western art and architecture from the Baroque to the present. Spring.
2311. Art and Architecture of Rome. The art and architecture of Rome, other Italian cities, and Greece from their roots in antiquity through the modern era. Attention is focused on major monuments and themes and the impact of the classical tradition. Rome Campus.
3V50. Special Studies in Art History or Studio. Focuses on particular media, technique, topic period or artist according to discretion of the professor.
3V57. Internship. Practical experience in an area museum, gallery, art library, or slide library. See ("Internships.") Variable credit. Graded Pass/No Pass.
4349. Senior Research. In the senior year all art history students write an article-length research paper on a topic chosen from the visual arts of the nineteenth, twentieth, or twenty-Irst century. This course guides the process of research through the initial stages of writing the thesis. It introduces the methodological issues, research procedures, and historiography of the discipline. Fall.
4350. Senior Thesis. The process of writing the senior thesis. Development of writing skills, critical and synthetic thinking, organizational skills, disciplined work habits, and a sense of personal achievement. Spring.
5342. Ancient Art. A history of the art and architecture of Greece and/or Rome. The instructor may choose to emphasize a particular aspect of ancient art.
5354. History of American Art. From the colonial period to the present.
5356. Art of the Italian Renaissance 1300-1600. The history of Renaissance art in Italy, from Giotto to Mannerism.
5357. Special Studies in Art History. Focus on a special topic, period, or artist according to the discretion of the professor.
5362. Sacred Art and Architecture. A study of the development of art and architecture in the service of the liturgy. Focusing on the Christian tradition, with occasional references to other forms, the course combines a survey of the history of sacred art and space with analysis of contemporary liturgical architecture and renovations, including on-site visits when possible. Texts include art history references, appropriate church documents such as the GIRM (General Instructions of the Roman Missal), and architectural consultations. With permission, may satisfy an arts requirement. Fall and Spring.
5365. Medieval Art. A history of art and architecture of the Romanesque and/or Gothic periods. The instructor may choose to emphasize a particular aspect of medieval art.
5367. Northern Renaissance 1400-1550. Late Gothic and Renaissance art in Europe outside of Italy, with emphasis on Flemish and German painting.
5368. Baroque to Neoclassical. A history of European art and architecture of the Baroque, Rococo, and/or Neoclassical periods. The instructor may choose to focus on any aspect of Northern or Southern Baroque, Rococo, or Neoclassicism.
5397. Nineteenth-Century Art. A survey of art and architecture in the nineteenth century, from Romanticism to Impressionism.
5398. Modern Art. A survey of the visual arts of the 20th century. Formerly 20th Century Art. Fall.
5399. Contemporary Art. A survey and analysis of the art and architecture of the last quarter of the 20th
century. Spring.