


Course covers traditional management science/operations research concepts, models, and methods that are employed to make better, objective, verifiable, communicable, and more informed decisions for problems routinely encountered by decision makers in business. Emphasis is on application, interpretation, and the use of results to make better decisions for planning and operations.

Prerequisite: BUAD 5350

Introduces the student to programming. Upon completion of this class, the student will be able to write non-trivial programs dealing with business. Topics include language components, control flow constructs, strings, input/output, database handling, classes, modules, and regular expressions.

The course includes hands-on labs requiring students to bring a PC to class. 

Emphasizes the relational database structure and the use of relational databases for retrieving and reporting information to support business decisions. It covers Structured Query Language (SQL) extensively. Applications of relational databases in many areas of business will be discussed. Topics include relationship database concepts, the relational data model, entity relationship modeling, introductory, intermediate and advanced SQL queries.

This course addresses concepts, tool and techniques for using large datasets to address business problems. This includes understanding big data concepts, common architectures, and using industry-standard tools to store, query, transform and analyze large datasets. Techniques related to importing and working with diverse types of data across different technical environments are discussed and practiced.

Prerequisite: TECH 6360
This course provides an introduction as well as hands-on experience in data visualization. Students will learn to analyze the context of data visualization, to identify, access and prepare data for visualization, to apply best practices in visual analytics, to design user-oriented visualizations based on essential cognitive and perceptual principles, and to create dash board and data stories that effectively communicate data insights to facilitate managerial decision making. Students will complete data visualization assignments as well as a final project featuring an interactive dashboard and datastory.

Co-requisite: BANA 6350
This course addresses tools and techniques required for analyzing business data for forecasting. Topics include time series analysis and time series forecasting. Students will learn to apply these techniques to support business decision makers.

Prerequisite: TECH 6360
Co-requisite: BANA 6350

The course addresses practices related to predictive modeling (decision tree, regression, neural network, ensemble and boosting models, among others). Topics include modifying data for better analysis results, model training and testing, machine learning methods, comparing and explaining complex models, generating predictions, and communicating results to help make better business decisions.

This course is open only to MS students in Business Analytics.

Prerequisite: BANA 6350, TECH 6360

This course addresses tools and techniques required for creating predictive models to support business decisions and techniques for communicating results of advanced analytics techniques. Topics include selecting and engineering predictive features, creating preliminary scorecards, performing inference techniques, determining scorecard performance, and communicating the results.

Co-requisite: BANA 6350

Focuses on the analysis and presentation of quantitative information in a manner that facilitates understanding and decision-making. The course covers basic sampling, statistical analysis, reporting, and data presentation techniques.

Facilitates the development of interpersonal and team skills leaders need to function effectively. Focus is on the integrated behavioral competencies that organizations value today; self awareness, communication, collaboration, and relationship-building.  Students will plan and implement new behaviors relevant to individuals who hold leadership positions, as well as those who informally assume leadership roles as they work with others to achieve business goals. 

Examines the social, political, legal and regulatory environments that constitute the background in which a for-profit business firm conducts its activities in domestic and global contexts. Corporate social responsibility and the ethical dimensions of decisions that impact stakeholder groups and corporate sustainability in a competitive environment are discussed.

Prerequisites: MANA 5F50