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Websites Useful to Classicists

Karl Maurer, Department of Classics, the University of Dallas

The following list is arranged alphabetically by these topics: 1 Bibliography (data bases); 2 Book reviews online; 3 Bookstores for classicists; 4 Coins; 5 Concordances; 6 Dictionaries; 7 Encyclopedias; 8 Etruscans; 8-A Graduate Study in Classics; 9 Greek fonts; 10 Grammar (Gk. & Lat.); 11 History (Gk., Roman); 12 Inscriptions; 13 Journals (classical) online; 14 Link sites; 15 Maps; 16Music; 17 Meter (Classical); 18 Medieval & Christian; 19 Mythology; 20 New Testament; 21 Papyri; 22 Pompeii and surrounding areas; 24 Rhetoric; 25 Rome (city of); 26 Ships; 27 TEXTS on-line (see also Appendix II); 28 Theater; 29 Vases (Greek); 30 Misc.; Appendix I List of Classical Journals; Appendix II Contents of Lacus Curtius.
The two most valuable, for classicists, of all web sites are probably JSTOR which has thousands of online classics articles (see 13) and, which has thousands of books in PDF format, including many classical texts and commentaries (see 27, Texts). Hugely useful too, the dictionaries and encyclopedias in sections 6 and 7.

Courtyard Epigraphic Museum in Rome

(1) BIBLIOGRAPHY, i.e. mere lists, of books or articles themselves which you must then find in the library, or at (on which see 27), or at JSTOR (on which see 13).
(a) TOCS-IN: A searchable database consisting of the tables of contents of 160 journals, & of many Festschrifts, pert. to Classics, Near Eastern Studies & Religion. (For a list of the classical journals see below, Appendix.) Covers c. 23000 articles published since 1992, and thousands more published before 1992.
(b)ANNEE PHILOGIQUE: The home page of home page of the ANNÉE PHILOLOGIQUE. The printed version, is in the reference section of the library; that lists everything published on classical topics, whether in books or in journals, in the past few decades. The web site, which you can access using the UD server, at present covers all records through 2011 (vol. 81).
(c) GNOMON: A data-base that contains all titles in classics from 1997 on. You can search it either as a whole or by topics. The site is in German, but have patience and figure out how to do it; what makes it valuable is its many very finely differentiated topics. (The full data-base, which includes titles prior to 1997, is on a CD Rom in possession of Dr. Sweet.)
(d) PINAX ONLINE: A splendid list of links to bibliographies for “any aspect of the Ancient Greek World (language, literature, history, religion, mythology, art and archaeology)” Bibliography for Latin literature
(e) Dutch Bibliography of Latin Texts: A bibliography of Latin lang. & lit. for Dutch university students, by M. van der Poel. Bibliographic links in general
(f) DIOTIMA: A bibliography for classical authors (includes Greek lyric)

BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW: The best on-line classical journal: reviews most first-rate books on classical subject published in last 10 years or so. Quick easy search devices. (Other classical journals also review on-line–see 13.)

(a) William H. Allen Bookseller: A 2nd-hand bookstore in Philadelphia, specializing in classics. (All Greek majors, by the way, should get W.W. Goodwin, Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, which W.H. Allen reprinted.)
(b) Schoenhof’s Foreign Books: (Large Classics selection)
(c) Amazon: For all books in print. (But note well that Amazon’s cataloging is semi-literate. Often you must try different versions of the title etc.)
(d) AbeBooks: In effect a huge world-wide consortium of 2nd-hand booksellers, so that your one search is searching in many countries.

Wildwinds: An “online reference, attribution and valuation site for ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins”

Itinera Electronica: Concordances (“hypertexts”) to Latin authors

(6) DICTIONARIES on-line (& see also 7.b, the Suda)
(a) Perseus Digital Library (=27.c.2 below): there find links to the big Liddell & Scott (Greek) or Lewis & Short (Latin), or to shorter versions of each. If you want to go right to either dictionary, use these addresses: Greek: Liddell & Scott Greek Lexicon. Latin: Lewis & Short Latin dictionary
(b) Online Etymological Dictionary: A splendid etymological dictionary of English
(c) Latin Place Names: ORBIS LATINUS Online, the biggest and completest glossary of Latin place names (downloaded it makes a Word file of almost 100,000 words. This is because, hugely helpfully, it lists even very slight spelling variations).
(e) Latin Place Names: Latin place names and their modern equivalents.
(f) Slater’s Lexicon to Pindar (at Perseus) (h) Woodhouse’s Greek to English Dictionary (at University of Chicago website): An extremely well-made dictionary for use in Greek composition. (For LATIN composition you need J. E. Riddle, English-Latin Lexicon, NY 1864, which you can find and download at
(i) Pollux: Archimedes Project Access: Searchable digitized versions of Liddell-Scott-Jones GREEK LEXICON, Bonitz’s INDEX ARISTOTELICUS, Autenreith’s HOMERIC LEXICON, Lewis & Short’s LATIN DICTIONARY and many other things (e.g. the Dictionnaire de l’Academie française of 1762). (The Archimedes Project main site in Berlin is at
(k) LEWIS & SHORT Latin dict.: Another digitized version. It’s called “Glossa: a Latin dictionary” but is really just Lewis & Short. This version you can actually download onto your desktop. Another good feature is that when you search, it lists the half dozen words that precede and those that follow the one you’re searching for. It still has typos (especially in Greek words); but they say they’re correcting them.
(m) Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, by Ducange et al.: A dictionary of medieval Latin.
(n) Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO): A dict. of old Italian
(o) Old French and Latin dictionaries: 14 searchable online dictionaries and glossaries of old French, and 3 of Latin; the Latin ones are these: (1) Dictionnaire Latin-Français, Félix Gaffiot, 1934, (2) Dictionnaire français-latin de Gérard Jeanneau, (3) Dictionnaire latin-anglais de William Whitaker. The dictionary by Whitaker has a well made English-to-Latin section (you type in the English word to get its possible equivalents in Latin).
(p) Il Vocabolario Etimologico di Pianigiani: A famous old etymological dictionary of Italian by Ottorino Pianigiani. The entries are photocopied, but you can produce that for any word by typing it in the search window.
(r) Greek-Latin & Latin-Greek Lexicon downloadable in Google Books. Novum Lexicon Manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum, primo a Benjamine Hederico [i.e. Benjamin Hederich] Institutum… denuo castigavit, emandavit, auxit Gustavus Pinzger … cognoscente Franciso Passovio [i.e. Passow]. Editio Quinta. Lipsiae [i.e. Leipzig] 1825-7. There are three volumes: (1) Tomus Prior, Sectio Prior: A-L (1825). (2) Tomus Prior, Sectio Altera: K-W (1827). (3) Tomus Posterior: Lexicon Latino-Graecum A-Z (1827). The first two are Greek-to-Latin, the third Latin-to-Greek. All three are in Google Books; but as always in Google Books, they are badly labeled (e.g. 1 and 2 both = ‘volume 1’!); so to find them all, you must tediously open one file after another. (By the way, this dict. can give you a rough sense of how vast is the vocabulary of Greek, compared with that of Latin. The Greek-to-Latin section is 3552 pages, the Latin-to-Greek only 774 pages; i.e. the list of Greek words is about 4.58 times bigger!)
(s) Liddell & Scott Greek Dictionary in Internet Archive, in Google Books, and in Scribd: The first two are downloadable in PDF, but they are the dictionary’s oldest version.
(t) Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek Dictionary at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: This is better than the Pollux version of LSJ (above, item i), in that it gives links to the texts themselves.
(u) LOGEION: A superbly well made search engine at the U. Chicago, where you can search for a word simultaneously in LSJ, the Diccionario griego-espanol, Lewis and Short, and DuCange; and if the word is Greek you can type it without accents. For instructions see their “About” page.
(v) Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

(b) Suda On-line: Byzantine Lexicography: The entire Suda, which is a medieval (Byzantine) encyclopedia & Greek dictionary.
(c) Ancient Names Galleria: Ancient proper names. Be patient with this site–at first it looks like it will not come up, but if you wait it will.
(d) 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
(e) Lacus Curtius: Intelligently arranged entries from William Smith’s hugely useful old Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.
(f) William Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: An old fine-textured classical encyclopedia, full of often fascinating information about institutions, offices, places, things, etc., illustrated by charming old woodcuts. Consult it if you want to know what a Praetor’s or a Consul’s or anyone else’s exact duties were, or how they dressed, or what ancient ploughs looked like, or what kinds of fishing nets Greeks and Romans used — etc. (The above link is to carefully digitized, well proof-read excerpts. You can get the whole huge volume itself at on which see 27 below.)
(f.3) William Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology: A complete digitized version.
(g) Wikipedia: List of Ancient Romans: A biographical dictionary of ancient Romans. Two quirks: (a) Names are listed alphabetically sometimes under the nomen, sometimes under the cognomen–so you should use your browser’s “find” window; (b) Only the links in blue connect to biographies; for those in red, none are written yet.
(h) Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines de Daremberg et Saglio: A magnificent old French classical encyclopedia (the link goes directly to the index). If you read French you can search it quickly for anything — the search-device is well made, in that when you type a word it gives links to many articles in which that word appears; so e.g. if I type in “oscillum”, it gives me links to Orpheus, Donarium, Sacrificium; if I type “oscilla” it gives links to 14 other articles incl. Paganalia. (The search-device has a few bugs. For example, there is actually an article on “Oscillum”, with three charming illustrations, but it isn’t indexed, and in order to find it you have to scroll through page after page of the huge article on Orpheus, where it’s printed at the end–i.e. after Orpheus, Orphics, Orphism, etc.–till you get alphabetically to Oscillum. Similarly, to get the article on “Clipeus”, which has 3 more illustrations of oscilla, you have to go to “Clima”, then scroll to Clipeus.) The text can be read either in digital form (by hitting the feather in the top right corner of the page, when you’re in an article) or in JPEG photos. The photo-form is often needed, (a) because the scanning wasn’t proofread and (b) because of the very copious, very instructive, old woodcuts that illustrate everything (woodcuts, or fine line drawings, always illustrate a thing way better than photos do). If the JPEG page is hard to read you just hit the magnifying glass in the upper right.
(i) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities Ed. by William Smith: This link is to a version at the Univ. of Michigan. Each page can be viewed as PDF, as text, or as “image”, and there is a search option (top of the page). Its chief fault is that the table of contents is nothing but a huge list of page numbers, and the search option, too, only gives you a list of page numbers (i.e. of pages on which this or that word appears). So I here give a rough table of contents. (From this you can see e.g. that to find “Aerarium” you have to go to page 1 Abacus and scroll forwards or, better, to page 25 Aes and scroll backwards.) Page III – Title Page, Page V List of Writers, Page VII Preface to 2nd ed., Page IX preface to 1st ed., Page 1 abacus, Page 25 aes, Page 50 agricultura, Page 75 alea, Page 100 antlia, Page 125 arcus, Page 150 astronomia, Page 175 augur, Page 200basilica, Page 225 calendarium, Page 250 castra, Page 275 chlamys, Page 300 cochlea, Page 325 columna, Page 350 confusio, Page 375 curator, Page 400 diapsephisis, Page 425 domus, Page 450 electrum, Page 475 erani, Page 500 exercitus, Page 525fenus, Page 550 frumentariae leges, Page 575 gladiatores, Page 600 heres, Page 625 janua, Page 650 judes, judicium, Page 675legatum, Page 700 lex Thoria, Page 725 maiestas, Page 750 mensarii, Page 775 musica, Page 800 nomen, Page 825 olea, Page 850 Palilia, Page 875 patricii, Page 900 pictura, Page 925 plebes, Page 950 postliminium, Page 975 pugio, Page 1000sacrificium, Page 1025 senatus consultum, Page 1050 socii, Page 1075 strena, Page 1100 tela, Page 1125 thensae, Page 1150tribunus, Page 1175 turris, Page 1200 vindicta, Page 1225 zona, Page 1242 GREEK INDEX, Page 1257 LATIN INDEX, Page 1281ENGLISH INDEX, Page 1284 CLASSIFIED INDEX (Agriculture, Amusements, Architecture, etc.)
(j) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Wm. Smith (ed):
Vol I (A – D)…L3129.0001.001.
Vol II (E – N)…L3129.0002.001.
Vol III (O – Z)…L3129.0003.001.
There is no alphabetical index. So if you want e.g. the article on “Musa”, you go to vol. II E-N and type “Musa” in the search window. That won’t tell you where the article is, but it will give you a list of 11 different pages on which that word appears. On most of those pages the word appears only once, whereas on p. 1124 it appears 12 times: so you know that the article must be on p. 1124.
(K) Cambridge Ancient History (1928-1936): Volumes now in the public domain, downloadable from in many different formats (including text). All the volumes are mislabelled ‘vol. XI’, so I give separate links: 1 Egypt & Bablyonia to 1580 BC (1928). 2 The Egyptian & Hittite Empires to c. 1000 BC (1931). 6 Macedon, 401-301 BC (1933). 8 Rome and the Mediterranean, 218-133 BC (1930). 9 The Roman Republic, 134-44 BC (1932). 10 The Augustan Empire, 43 BC – AD 69 (1952; 2nd ed. 1996). (This is not available at By searching you can find it at a Russian web site; but I give no link because it seems pretty plainly a pirated copy). 11 The Imperial Peace, AD 70-192 (1936).
(L) Cambridge Modern History (1903-1911): A carefully digitized copy at the ‘Camena’ site at the Univ. of Mannheim. It has these volumes: 1. The Renaissance. 2. The Reformation. 3. The Wars Of Religion. 4. The Thirty Years’ War. 5. The Age Of Louis XIV. 6. The Eighteenth Century, and 13. Genealogical Tables And Lists And General Index.
(M) Cambridge History of English and American Literature, 18 vol.: A good digitized copy at “Considered the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published, the Cambridge History contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing. “

(a) The Mysterious Etruscans: A good, systematic, well-organized site about the Etruscans.
(b) George Dennis: Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria: A fascinating book by a learned mid-19th-century English traveller.

The Classical Journal once had a superb web site giving advice about, and links to, graduate programs. To the great grief of students and advisers alike, this no longer exists, but many of its good features have been preserved at the “gradcafe”. Another valuable piece of it is at
Good advice for grad school is also at the Columbia University classics web site.

MULTIKEY 5.0 seems the best wholly free Greek font and ‘keyboard’ system that is at present downloadable online; you can get it downloaded and working in just a few minutes. After downloading, you must use their Help file (a PDF file called Multikey Manual, which downloads automatically with the rest of the package). When you specify what ‘default’ fonts you prefer — which you do in a file called “Multikey Preferences”, I recommend that you specify “Palatino Lintotype” for both Greek and English. That’s a Unicode font (if you know what that is); it’s the font I use e.g. in my online “Greek Grammar Handout” — it’s very clear and pretty, and you already have it ‘installed’ on your computer if you use Windows XP or later. But this is only a recommendation; you can of course try different fonts (for links, see below) and use any you like. (I suppose that MacIntosh users might have problems — I don’t know if they will, but I know they do with other Greek keyboard systems. The ‘Multikey Manual’ says nothing at all about Macs; so perhaps that means that it isn’t designed for them.)
“Multikey” is Unicode Greek, which is good because: (A) it is easy to type, and easy to switch between languages; (B) it survives e-mail transmission intact (though often Macs have problems); (C) many web sites offer much of Greek literature in unicode (you can download texts not only from Perseus, but also e.g. from “The Little Sailing” which has all Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Thuc., etc.); and (D) many Unicode fonts, which can handle Greek, are probably already included in your Windows software. (E.g. Palatino Linotype, Estrangelo, Eurostyle, MV Boli, Papyrus, Perpetua, Raavi, Tahoma, Tunga.) For more information about unicode, and for more unicode fonts, see: Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web . See also:
If you want some program other than that given above, when wondering what to choose, remember:
You need “ancient”, alias “polytonic”, Greek that has acute, grave and circumflex accents and the breathings, not “modern”, alias “monotonic”, Greek that has only acute accents. (N.b.: the “Symbol” font that comes with Windows is useless, since it has no accents and breathings.)
Many fonts are only for web viewing with the browser. If you only want that, then see “”— that is very easy to set up. But if you want Greek that you can actually type and “edit”.
You need a font or fonts that come with a “keyboard” (or “keyboard utility” or “keyboard manager”). Without that you cannot type the breathings, accents, etc. One such is Tavultesoft Greek Font. This is no longer free but is such a good program that you may want to purchase it (i.e. if for some reason “Multikey” doesn’t work for you).
Programs that include that “keyboard utility” always have a file containing instructions on how to use it and a keyboard diagram. After downloading, you have to find that file and learn the rules.

(a) Perseus Digital Library (=20.a) has lexicons, grammatical links, etc.
(c) Birbeck College Classical Language Links: Links to Gk./Lat. language sites; however, most of the links can only be accessed by Birbek College students.
(d) Musical Pitch Accents in Greek: How to accent & pronounce Greek.
(e) Lingua Latina: Latin grammar
(g) complete conjugation of the verb “luo” (from the Institute of Biblical Greek)
(h) GREEK GRAMMAR HANDOUT: Greek noun, pron., adj. & verb tables, and various other things, by Karl Maurer at the Univ. of Dallas.
(i) Latin Grammar Handout by Karl Maurer at the Univ. of Dallas.
(j) Sketch of the Latin Language: The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica article by Wilkins and Conway. (This is at various places on the web but is here proofread to a much greater accuracy.)
(l) Chase & Phillips Handout by Karl Maurer at the U. of Dallas, has a list of the Greek words used by C & P (listing the chapter in which each is first taught), additions to the English-to-Greek Vocabulary, various other things.
(l.1) Chase & Phillips Index by Alexandra Weston at U. of Dallas
(m) HOW TO PRONOUNCE LATIN (For Greek see below, section 16.): Latin verse and prose recited by professors at Harvard (verse by Vergil, Propertius, Ovid, Statius; prose by Cicero; the readers Wendell Clausen, Kathleen Coleman, Richard Tarrant, Richard Thomas). In reading Latin verse you need to handle three things simultaneously, without letting any of them dominate: the meter, the everyday stress-accent, and the meaning. The verse has to be musical, yet also living speech. The best of these Harvard readers, I think, is Coleman; all three elements are balanced beautifully.
(n) ALLEN & GREENOUGH, New Latin Grammar, PART I: Words and Forms and PART II: Syntax: A famous old Latin grammar book. There are other versions of this online, but if you have ever tried to use them, you perhaps have cursed them, because they have too many hyper-links, and you can open only one tiny page at a time. This version, by the blessed William Harris of Middlebury, puts the whole book in two simple, downloadable text files. His version “has no diacritics, so it can be searched by entering in the browser’s FIND the word in plain characters”, and it has other search-friendly features.
(p) Greek Grammar resources: (Hit “charts & aids”)
(r) Latin Grammar resources: (Hit “charts & aids”)

(11) HISTORY, GREEK & ROMAN (for Medieval, see #15)
(a) Internet Ancient History Sourcebook at Fordham Univ.: Links pertinent not only to “history” but to all aspects of classical and later antiquity. The Greek and the Roman sections each include a very large collection of Latin & Greek texts (mostly in translation), arranged both by topics and chronologically. Texts are of all sorts; e.g. Ptolemy’s Geography (see 15.d below); texts pert. to Roman law (e.g. a wonderful 35-page potted history of Roman law by Gibbon); a section on ancient ships; also sections on literature (i.e. many complete classical texts, mostly in translation).
(b) Ancient Roman History Timeline IV: A crude list of events, persons, etc., associated with various dates in ancient times, listed chronologically.
(c) Greek and Roman History: A very miscellaneous history site, with some charming things, e.g. a list of Roman census results from 508 BC (130,000 citizens) to AD 47 (over 6,944,000 citizens)
(e) Timelines for Ancient Rome: A good “chronology” (timeline) of Roman history from Sandys’ old Companion to Latin Studies.
(f) Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
(h) Lacus Curtius: Intelligently arranged entries from William Smith’s hugely useful old Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.
(i) Maecenas: Pictures of Ancient Greece and Rome
(j) A site about the Roman legions: the locations and histories of each of them.
(k) Little Roman Dictionary by Karl Maurer at the U. of Dallas: (A) a “Little Political Dictionary” describing Roman magistracies, institutions, etc. and (B) 23 ‘Appendices’ describing this or that in greater detail (Lawcourts, Army, Provinces, Festivals, and so on).
(l) Little Athenian Dictionary by Karl Maurer at the U. of Dallas.
The web also has many chronologies which you can find by going to and typing e.g. “Chronology of Athenian History” or “Chr. of Roman History”. These vary hugely in quality.

(a) U.S. Epigraphy Project: An index of Greek, Latin, Etruscan inscriptions published in the USA. For a list of on-line images, hit the link “Collections” in the left-hand margin. 4 types: Epitaphs, Dedicatory, Instrumentum domesticum, Misc., each subdivided by region.
(b) American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy: Links to epigraphical sites.

Greek inscriptions only:
(c) Inscriptiones Graecae: At Berlin-Brandenberg Academy. This is an index; it has not the inscriptions themselves (for some of them see below, 10e), but only the volume numbers, tables of contents etc.
(d) Oxford Inscriptions. Digitized photos of several hundred Inscriptiones Graecae organized by geographical region.
(e) Elizabeth Meyer: On the Evolution of Slavery In Rome & Greece: A searchable archive of Greek inscriptions.

Latin inscriptions only:
(f) Epigraphik-Datenbank: This combines the different huge collections of Latin inscriptions into one magnificent, searchable data-base. It asks you for “Beleg” = the modern source (e.g. CIL) to search, “Provinz” = the Roman province to search, “Ort” = the place to search (use either its modern name or its ancient), and “Suchtext” = your keyword(s). You need not fill in all of that; you can leave everything blank except “Suchtext”.
(g) Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions: A very good alphabetical list of all abbreviations used in Latin inscriptions. In inscriptions, abbreviated words are usually filled out by the CIL or AE editors. But as you’ll sooner or later notice, their supplements are rather often wrong; so it’s helpful to have this list of the possibilities.
(i) Epigraphic Database Bari: “documenti epigrafici romani di committenza cristiana, secoli III – VIII”, i.e. Christian inscriptions from the 3rd to the 8th centuries.
(j) Hispania Epigraphica: A searchable online database of Spanish inscriptions.
Note also that many old collections that have useful notes, such as Orelli, Dessau, Bücheler can be downloaded in PDF format at

For downloadable articles on classical topics, the first thing to consult is always JSTOR which you can access using the U.D. server. Go to the UD library website, then hit “Databases” ( and hit JSTOR. You there get many thousands of articles in back issues of classical journals, and you can search the data-base by topic, title, author, etc.
Similar to JSTOR, but containing fewer journals, is Project Muse, which you can access in that same place. Also:
(a) Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (Belgian site by Jacques Poucet): A complete list of classical journals on-line (with descriptions & links. Also links to those not on-line but with web sites).
(b) Bryn Mawr Classical Review (see section 2 above).
(c) Vergilius: On Vergil.
(e) Electronic Antiquity: 1993 to present.
(f) Bibliotheca Classica Selecta & AgoraCLASS: List of on-line journals

Each has many links to other classics sites, grouped by topics.
(a) Electronic Resources For Classicists: U. California, Irvine. (Topics = Home Pages, E-publications, Publishers & Journals, Bibliographical Indexes, Bibliographies, Images, E-text archives, Course Materials, Author-Specific Sites, Fonts and Software, Professional organizations, Classics Departments, On-line Seminars, Misc., K-12 Resources, Discussion Groups.)
(b) Oriental Institute Search Archive: Systematic links for the ancient Near East including Greece.
(c) American Philological Association
(e) Internet Resources: Ancient Greece: Internet resources: Ancient Greece
(f) Latin Literature at Bucknell University website.
(g) CLASSICS RESOURCES (Washington University): An intelligent, pellucid, very rich list; among the categories are: General Classics Listings; Greek-Latin Reference Sites; Texts: General; Classics E-Journals; Classics E-Lists; Maps; Greek Teaching Tools; Greek Paleography & Epigraphy; Greek Grammar; Greek Lexica; Greek Authors & Texts; Latin Authors & Sites; Medieval Latin Language & Culture.
(h) Packard Humanities Institute

(15) MAPS
(a) Oriental Institute Map Series (= 14.b).
(b) Maps of the Roman Empire: A list of links to many maps especially pertinent to Roman history; includes ancient maps.
(c) Ptolemy’s Geography: Many of the maps themselves.
(d) A very good list of links.
(e) Henry Davis: Ancient Maps: A good long list of links to maps.
(f) Maps — some outdated, yet still useful — from Samuel Ball Platner’s The Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome. A good site for maps of the ancient world (and later).
(g) Peutinger Map: Photos of the whole of the astounding Peutinger Map, which is a medieval copy and adaptation of an ancient Roman “road map” of the world.
Since the above list was first made, many good maps have appeared in WIKIPEDIA articles on classical topics; so when you want a map of something in particular, you might try there first.

(16) MUSIC
Austrian Academy of Sciences: Ancient Greek Music : contains all published fragments of Ancient Greek music which contain more than a few scattered notes. “All… recorded under the use of tunings whose exact ratios have been transmitted to us by ancient theoreticians… Instruments and speed are chosen by the author.” The exact sound depends on your hard- and software.

(17) METER (classical)
(a) Nomenclator Metricus

You can get maybe 100 sites by typing “Medieval studies” in the search window at Google (30); see also the “link” sites in 14 at “text” sites in 27; but some of the best are:
(a) Patrologia Latina: A complete on-line version of Migne’s prodigious Patrologia Latina, the works of the “Church Fathers” from the 3rd to the 13th century (many of which are available only in this edition by Migne). To use it you have to be on-line via the U. Dallas server (you can’t use it via your own AOL account, etc.). Many ways of searching — read instructions, experiment, figure out how to use.
(b) The Labyrinth at Georgetown U.: Links to resources for Medieval Studies — an exhaustive, lucid site.
(c) Internet Medieval Sourcebook by Paul Halsall at Fordham University

(a) Bullfinch’s Mythology
(b) THEOI PROJECT: An extremely rich site.

(20) NEW TESTAMENT, etc:
Find NT links amid the links at 14.a, 14.b, 14.c etc. Also:
(a) Greek New Testament Index: A table of contents to the New Testament; by hitting the links you get the Greek text.
(b) Septuagint and Greek New Testament can both be downloaded at the Biblioteca Augustana.

(see also Perseus, 27.c.2–find their papyrus link–or search the sites in 14)
(a) Oxyrrhynchos Papyri: Searchable by volume number & in other ways; has photos of the papyri themselves.
(b) Center for Hellenic Studies: Homer & Papyri: Searchable data-base, edited by G. Nagy & others, of published Homeric papyri.
(c) Catalogue of Mythographic Papyri
(d) A papyrus database.

(a) Photos of Ostia and Pompeii.
(b) Pompeii, Vesuvius, the 79 AD eruption (from ALRI, the Arlington Learning in Retirement Institute)
(c) Pompeii interiors (mostly wall paintings), with a map of all Pompeii.
(d) Maps and photos relating to the Bay of Naples and the 79 eruption.
(e) Villa at Opplontis: Plan and photos of the villa Poppaea at Oplontis. You can click on rooms in the plan to see photos of them.
(f) Photos of Pompeii.
(g) Photos of Pompeii: Many photos of Pompeii.

Silva Rhetoricae by Gideon Burton, Brigham Young Univ. has (a) a long, good alphabetical glossary of rhetorical terms (with examples from English lit.), and (b) discussion by topics (kinds of oratory; kinds of proof; etc.)

(25) ROME, City of (see also 9.d)
(a) Platner & Ashby’s A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome: Here it’s not digitized, only photographed. You can get it all in digital form at Perseus (see below, 20a) — but at Perseus, as always, you can open only one tiny section at a time.
(b) Le Plan de Rome : A good French site, has pictures of the buildings (as they are now, & as they were) and quotes the ancient sources for each building.
(c) World Wide Web Virtual Library: Ancient Rome: A wonderful list of links.
(d) Stanford “Rome”
(e) Theatron Ltd.: Theatres of Rome
(f) Ancient Rome in the Footsteps of an 18th-c. Traveller: Links to hundreds of 18th-c. engravings of Rome by Giuseppe Vasi (with photos of the same places as they appear today).
(g) Pagan and Christian Rome: A fascinating book by Rodolfo Lanciani, who was “an archaeologist who for many years towards the close of the 19th c. was in charge of all the excavations within the city of Rome, and personally responsible for a number of major discoveries which we now take for granted”.
(i) A fairly accurate description of the Comitium (with a very good analytical map, which seems based on the work of Filippo Coarelli)
(k) Photos of a 3-dimensional model of the Roman Forum of 179 AD
(l) Well-organized good photos of all Rome.
(m) Illustrations to a course in Roman architecture and engineering.
(n) Photos (and descriptions) of Italian towns (esp. in Latium)

(26) SHIPS, ancient: (For ships see also 9.a)
Center for Maritime Archaeology: Naval history & archaeology by John Illsley, a first-rate scholar. Good discussions, pictures (splendid ones), bibliographies of many kinds of ancient ships.

(27) TEXTS on-line (see also Appendix II)
This section is organized thus: (a) GREEK texts (‘digital libraries’), (b) LATIN (ditto), (c) GREEK & LATIN BOTH (ditto), (d) MEDIEVAL & NEO-LATIN, (e) GREEK LYRIC (collections of; mostly in English), (f) INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS in alphabetical order (most but not all in English translation).
Note that this section lists only “digital texts” in the strict sense; that is, text files, produced by scanning and OCR (or by typing), that you can download and edit on your computer. For PDF files of printed books, including hundreds of classical texts and commentaries, always try first the search window at that most astounding of all web sites, WWW.ARCHIVE.ORG. is a fruit of Microsoft’s and Google’s endeavor to digitize all works in the public domain (so it overlaps with Google Books; but I suggest always trying first). Often the scanning and labelling was done by very ignorant people; many things are so badly labelled that you have to open the file to know what’s in it. (E.g. for “author” they often list the editor; as “language” they often say e.g. Latin, when it’s actually Greek with a Latin title or commentary; a single work in ten volumes they will list as ten separate works; and so on). But still it’s a prodigiously wonderful site, where you can find, for example, many very old, extremely valuable commentaries.
PDF files of some works–e.g. a thing like William Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (see above, Encyclopedias)–are so huge that they can nearly paralyze your computer. In such cases, the best thing to do is download one of the many free PDF splitters available online and split it into many smaller files. (I myself use “PDF Toolkit” which is light and quick and easy to use.)

(27.a) Greek Texts, ‘digital libraries’ of (see also Perseus = 27.c.2)
(a.1) The Little Sailing: A good list of links to digital libraries of Greek texts
(a.2) LATO: Library of Ancient Texts Online: An abnormally complete collection of Greek texts (some in Greek, some only in translation, some in both)
(a.3) The Little Sailing: Ancient Greek Texts: Unicode texts, include all Homer, all tragedy, Thucydides, Herodotus, and so on.
(a.4) Greci Autori: An Italian site; very misc. selections from many Greek authors: some in Greek, some only in translation, some only in PDF format.
(a.5) Greek Poetic Texts: Texts of lyric poets (lyric poets are also in a.2)
(a.6) First 1000 Years of Greek: A huge database of (nearly) all Greek texts from Homer to 250 A.D. focusing on those not already in the Perseus library. One of our Alumns, Ben Yates (the updater of this very site), worked an internship updating and refining this database.

(27.b) Latin Texts, ‘digital libraries’ of (see also Perseus = 27.c.2)
(b.1) Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum: David Camden’s “The Forum”. Maybe 30% have English translations. Has most classical stuff (e.g. all Cicero incl. the letters), also many medieval (e.g. 11 items by Aquinas including all the Summa); also e.g. Luther; Petrarch, Dante, Poggio, Campion, Milton; even a Latin hexameter poem, written for a school prize when he was 14, by Rimbaud!
(b.2) The Latin Library: Many Latin authors, none translated. Has some texts not found elsewhere, e.g. all Pliny’s letters.
(b.3) Bucknell Classics Department: Latin Texts: Texts of 14 major authors. Also links to bibliographies for Catullus, Horace, Livy, Ovid, Propertius, Vergil.
(b.5) Autori Latini: A very long good Italian site — has texts with splendid, rapid concordances.
(b.7) Library of Latin Texts (CLCLT): A prodigious database of Latin texts, classical (both major and minor), medieval, and modern. You have to use the U.D. server (U.D. subscribes to it). Their ultimate mad goal is to include every Latin text ever published, but already it has a vast number of obscure texts; e.g. the “Ilias Latina” by Baebius Italicus; Latin transl. of Plato by Cicero; fragments of Pollio; Donatus’ life of Vergil, Probus’ life of Persius; Latin texts produced by various Church councils, including Vatican II; and so on. It has elaborate search functions (which I haven’t tested) and links to 3 medieval Latin dictionaries. ODDITIES: (a) text appears without verse-numbers (if verse) or sentence numbers (if prose), but only with poem- or chapter-numbers. (b) You can set the maximum screen display as “30”; but this means the number not of lines but of sentences! So e.g. your page of Propertius will have 30 units, one half averse long, one 10 verses long (depending on where the editors placed the periods)!
(b.8) Postgate, Corpus Poetarum Latinorum vol. 1 (Ennius, Lucr., Cat., Hor., Tib., Prop., Ovid), vol. 2 (Grattius, Aetna, Val. Flaccus, Sil. It., Manil., Persius, Calp. Sic., Luc., Columella X, Juv., Nemesianus)
(b.9) Musis Deoque: A database of Latin poetry

(27.c) Latin & Greek both: ‘digital libraries’ of
(c.2) Perseus: Greek & Roman Materials (or hit links you find at the briefer address The PERSEUS Project. Has Greek & Latin tests (but only those most commonly taught in American colleges) also English translations, commentary, dictionaries, maps, pictures, etc.,; also has data-bank of papyri. For downloading, other sites are better since here (maddeningly) you can download only one page or often paragraph at a time.
(c.3) Biblioteca Augustana: Greek and Latin texts chronologically by century (up to the 20th) or alphabetically. Greek in Unicode for Aristotle’s Athenaion Politeia; for other texts, APAXNION.
(c.4) Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: A “history” site, but the Greek & Roman sections have many primary texts (mostly in translation), arranged both by topics and chronologically.
(c.5) Online Books Page at Univ. of Pennsylvania: A long list of all on-line books (not only classical). All Greek & Roman authors are in English translation.
(c.6) The MIT Internet Classics Archive: Many classical authors in English translation (e.g. all of Plutarch’s Lives; all Dio Cassius; Tacitus Annals).
(c.7) Latin Inscriptions: A site for teaching yourself to read Latin inscriptions, the complete Latin texts of Pliny the Elder’s Natural History, Quintus Curtius’ Histories of Alexander the Great, the Saturnalia of Macrobius, and Censorinus’ de Die Natali; the Architecture of Vitruvius and the Aqueducts and the Stratagems of Frontinus in both Latin and English; complete English translations of Polybius and of Cassius Dio’s History of Rome.
(c.8) NAVICULA BACCHI: A wonderful library of Greek texts, many of which are not elsewhere online (Aeschines, Aeschylus, Aesop, Alcaeus, Alkman, Anareon, Anaxagoras – etc.); many have facing German translations, and some, even old Latin translations. Latin texts are at

(27.d) Medieval & Neolatin (renaissance) authors
(d.1) Migne’s Patrologia Latina (see above, 18.a).
(d.2) The Labyrinth at Georgetown U. (see above, 18.b).
(d.3) The Philological Museum (by Dana Sutton, U. Cal. Irvine): A truly magnificent huge list of links to sites pert. to neo-latin authors — alphabetical by author.
(d.4) (See 27.c.3 above).
(d.5) Thomas Hobbes’ Vita Carmine Expressa: Text, with translation and notes by Karl Maurer, of Hobbes’ autobiography which he wrote in Latin elegiac couplets.
(d.6) Jacob Balde poems: Translation & notes by Karl Maurer at the University of Dallas
(d.7) CAMENA (“Corpus Automatum Multiplex Electorum Neolatinitatis Auctorum”): A splendid site containing the works of many Renaissance humanists (all listed in the left margin), both verse and prose. The texts are in html format, and sometimes also in facsimiles of the original editions. Some of the html texts are impeccable; others teem with OCR errors (e.g. the poems of Jacob Balde), but can be corrected by the facsimiles. At the bottom of the page is a list of links to similar web sites.

(27.e) Greek Lyric (in English)
(e.1) Greek Lyric Poets in English (with notes), translated John Porter U. of Saskatchewan. For Solon, Theognis see extension /Solon.html
(e.2) Course Outline for Classics 115: Pictures of symposia, komoi
(e.3) Introduction to Greek Lyric
(e.4) Everything Spartan, Lakonian, & Messenian: Sparta, lyric, Alcman
(e.5) PINDAR’s HOMER: A book by Gregory Nagy, all online. Is of interest for Greek lyric — especially chapter 12, especially sections 18 ff. on Alcman.

(27.f) Individual Authors (in alphabetical order of names)
Alkman (in English):
(f.1) Alkman’s Account of a Religious Ritual
(f.2) Alkman: The Choral Poetry of Ancient Sparta
St. Augustine:
(f.3) Augustine of Hippo (& links there) = J. J. O’Donnell’s text of & commentary on the Confessions.
Cicero (in English):
(f.5) Famous Orations by Cicero
Hesiod & Homer
(f.8) = “The Multi-Text Homer” from the Center for Hellenic Studies. I have used some of them in the past (e.g. a text & commentary on Theognis, by Nagy & Figuera); and according to the on-site boast, it “will eventually include multitexts of the Iliad and Odyssey, Greek texts and English translations of the lives of Homer, Proclus’ summaries of the Epic Cycle, and the Homeric Hymns. The multitext will also be linked to supplementary materials, including information about Alexandrian and Pergamene libraries, scholars, and scholarship. Collations with the main texts will include the Homeric papyri, the Venetus A, known readings of Aristarchus and Zenodotus, the various so-called ‘city editions’, quotations of Homer in fifth- and fourth-century BC authors, as well as other important editions and manuscripts. A major contribution of the project is that it offers an unprecedented access to the scholia contained in the Venetus A by means of high resolution digital images of the manuscript, and will eventually include an electronic edition of the Greek text, as well as a translation (a translation of the Homeric scholia has never been published).”
Discourses on the First 10 Books of Titus Livy
(f.12) Greek text of Dyskolos (Grouch)
‘Old Oligarch’
(f.13) Constitution of the Athenians: Text & grammatical commentary by Karl Maurer (U. of Dallas)
(f.15) The Love Books of Ovid
(f.16) Ovid Homepage (in German)
(f.17) Recitations from 5 Odes of Pindar.
(f.17-A) Index of Pindar’s Images for Poet, Poetry, Song by Karl Maurer at the University of Dallas.
(f.18) The Pythagorean Counsels (English)
(f.19) List of Sappho sites on the web
(f.20) Great Book Index: Sophocles: Sophocles in English & essays on him
(f.21) On the Life & History of Thucydides: Hobbes’ Life of Thucydides
(f.21-A) Thucydides translated by Lorenzo Valla: Greek text, with Valla’s Latin translation, of the Melian Dialogue and the Plataean Debate; also Valla’s Preface to his translation.
(f.21-B) Thucydides Manuscripts Used by Poppo, Arnold, Other Old Editors: A table (by Karl Maurer at the University of Dallas) correlating the old manuscript ‘sigla’ (those of Poppo and Arnold) with their modern sigla; it also shows the rough derivation of each important MS.
(f.22) The Vergil Project: “Resources for students, teachers and readers of Vergil”; includes complete text in several versions, MS readings, commentary.
(f.23) The Aeneid: Links and a newsletter
(f.24) The Virgil Home Page
(f.25) The Secret Life of Virgil: Very interesting (even when wild) speculations by William Harris at Middlebury about V’s life and person.
(f.27) JACOB BALDE: WORKS ONLINE, in PDF format. I do not include links to the ‘Camena’ site at Mannheim,, where you can download digital versions of the 1660 and 1729 editions. (At that site you can only access the PDF versions, not download them whole.) The Google URL’s are terribly long, so I here embed them in the number in the left margin (= the year of publication).
See also the Balde bibliogr. of Wilfried Stroh, Also
I give this list because many of these works are incredibly hard to find by searching in Google, where everything is mislabeled and execrably badly organized. For example, try finding the first one by pasting its title in Google! I searched in vain for hours, and finally found it by typing just “Balde 1643”.
1643 Jacobi Balde è Societate Iesu, Lyricorum Lib. IV, Epodon Lib. Unus. Monachii [Munich]: apud Heres Cornelii Lyserii Electoralis Typographi
1643 Jacobi Balde è Societate Iesu, Silvarum lib. VII. Monachii: apud Heres Cornelii Lyserii Electoralis Typographi. (Author’s list of corrigenda on p. 240 of the pdf)
1645 Jacobi Balde è Societate Jesu Lyricorum Libri IV et Epodon lib. unus, editio secunda auctior et emendatior, Coloniae Vbiorum [Köln] apud Iodocum Kalcovium M.DC.XLV.
1646 Jacobi Balde è Societate Iesu Silvae Lyricae, editio secunda, Coloniae Vbiorum [Köln] apud Iodocum Kalcovium 1646.
1649 Jacobi Balde è S. J. / Poëma, ‘Somnium’, inscriptum. / quod Silv. Libro sept. habetur explicatum. / sive / Interpretatio eiusdem Somnii / Quale / Auctor viderat Anno XLII / De Cursu / Historiae Bavaricae / Nunc in iustum Commentarium / relata, a Didaco Valarado, / ipsius Amico. / Anno XLIX. Autograph in Balde’s handwriting, at the Bavarian state library. Notice at the bottom of the title page—PDF file p. 8—the scribbled note by someone else that says ‘Manus haec est ipsius auctoris huius scripti, nempe P. Jacobi Balde, qui in eo sibi sumpsit nomen Didaci Valaradi’. For a printed edition see Interpretatio Somnii, edited by M. v. Freyberg in Sammlung historischer Schriften und Urkunden, Stuttgart, 1834, Bd. 4, p. 179-220; 377-380
1660 Jacobi Balde è Societate Iesu Opera Poëtica omnia, tomus I complectens Lyricorum libros IV, Epodon Lib. unum, & Sylvarum libros IX, Colonia Ubiorum [Köln] apud Ioannem Busaeum, M.DC.LX (I Lyrica Epodi Silvae, II Heroica, III Satyrica, IV Miscellanea.) (This ed. also at the ‘Camena’ site:
1664 Expeditio Polemico-Poetica, Munich 1664
1706 Jacobi Balde è Societate Iesu Lyricorum Libri IV, Epodon Liber I, Silvarum libri IX in commodiorem Studiosae imprimis Juventutis usum et utilitatem seorsim editi. Coloniae Agrippinae [Köln] apud Franciscum Metternich. Anno M.D.CC.VI.
1729 Jacobi Balde è Societate Iesu Opera Poëtica omnia, magnam partem numquam edita e MM.SS. auctoris nunc primum collecta et in tomos VIII distributa. Monachii: Impensis Martini Happach & Francisci Xav. Schlütter, Bibliopol. Typis Joannis Lucae Straubii, Anno 1729. (I* Lyrica, II Silvae, III Epica, IV* Satyrica, V Elegiaca, VI Dramatica, VII, VIII Varia.) (Apparently not yet online are ii and vii. *Asterisked volumes seem no longer to be in Google Books, but you can see them in the Haiti Trust web site, and in the ‘Camena’ site mentioned above.)
1795 Herder, J. G. (tr.), Terpsichore, Lübeck, 1795 (German translations)
1805 Orellius, Io. Conradus (ed), Jacobi Balde Carmina Selecta, Zürich, 1805 (= vol. 1 of Anthologia Lyrica Poetarum Latinorum Recentioris Aevi, ed. & illustravit Io. Conr. Orellius Diaconus Turicensis, 1805) (index p. xxxv = pdf p. 50)
1829 Jacobi Balde Carmina Selecta, summa diligentia recognita, Libraria Kranzfelderiana, Augustae Vindelicorum [Augsburg], 1829.
1831 Aigner, Jos. (ed.), Jakob Balde’s Oden und Epoden in fünf Buchern. Rieger, Augsburg, 1831.
1833 Orellius, Io. Caspar (ed), Eclogae poetarum Latinorum in usum gymnasiorum et seminariorum philologicorum, Turici [Zurich] 1833. (p. 361-390 = pdf 370-400)
1835 Krabinger, Jo. Georg (ed.), Eclogae Illustrium Poetarum Latinorum Recentioris Aevi, edidit Io. Georgius Krabingerus, Bibliothecae Reg. Monacensis Custos, Monacii (in librariia Georgii Iaqueti) MDCCCXXXV. p. 223-52 (240-69)
1842 Franz von Paula Lechner, Jacobi Balde Ludus Palamedis, sive latrunculorum vulgo Scacchus: Das Schachspiel von Jacob Balde. Neuberg 1842
1844 Müller, Benno (ed.), Jacobi Balde Carmina Lyrica, Munich, 1844.
1868 Westermayer, Georg: Jacobus Balde, sein Leben und seine Werke: Eine literärhistorische Skizze, Munich, 1868 (biography, with many quotations and transalations).
See also the bibliography of Wilfried Stroh, at For online articles about Balde’s life see: (A) Barbara Francis Courson (comtesse de), The Jesuits, their foundation and History, London: Burns and Oates, 1879, p. 316-319 (she anglicizes his name to “James Balde”!) (B) Paul Mury, S.J., “Jacques Balde”, in Revue Catholique d’Alsace, 2e Série, Tome Ier, Strasbourg, 1869, p. 205-212 ( = part I), p. 285-296 (II-IV), and p. 397-410 (V-VIII). (C) Louis Spach, “Le je´suite Jacques Balde, poëte ne´olatin”, in Oeuvres Choisies: Archéologie, Histoire alsatique, tome V, Biographies alsaciennes, Strasbourg : Berger-Levrault: Paris/Strassbourg, 1871, p. 25-59.

Didaskalia: A site devoted to ancient theater, and to modern productions of ancient plays; has a not bad on-line journal “Didaskalia”.

(a) Vase Search
(b) Images of Attic Vases: Images and links to other images.

(30) MISC.
(a) The Classical Text Editor, i.e., software, which you are free to download, for making critical editions, offered by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. “The Classical Text Editor was designed to enable the scholar working on a critical edition or on a text with commentary or translation to prepare a camera-ready copy or an electronic publication without bothering much about making up and page-proofs. Its features, formed in continuous discussion with editors actually using the program, meet the practical needs of the scholar concerning text constitution, entries to different apparatus and updating them when the text has been changed, as well as creating and redefining sigla. The possibility to search for manuscript constellations may be of considerable help in detecting affiliations between manuscripts. It is the primary purpose of the Classical Text Editor to do the automatable work which consumes so much time and energy, and let the scholar concentrate on scientific issues.”
(b) Curculio: The site of Michael Hendry; contains much useful, interesting stuff, including his edition (with apparatus criticus) of some poems of Propertius, and his advice to young scholars about where to publish.
(c) Commonest Abbreviations, Signs, Etc. Used in the Apparatus to a Classical Text: A list by Karl Maurer, the University of Dallas.
(d) Student Translations of Greek and Latin Verse: Beautiful verse translations, by University of Dallas students, from Pindar, Simonides, Sophocles, Homer, Propertius.

Appendix I: LIST OF CLASSICAL JOURNALS in “1.a” above
(I print this list in its entirety, so that it can be a little reference tool. The abbreviations are those of the Année philologique [see above, “1.b”] and are widely used, esp. in Europe.)
AC = L’antiquité classique, AClass = Acta Classica, AHB = Ancient History Bulletin, AJAH = American Journal of Ancient History, AJPh = American Journal of Philology, Akroterion, AncSoc = Ancient Society (Leuven), AncW = Ancient World, Antichthon, Arethusa, Arion, Athenaeum, A&R* = Atene e Roma, BICS = Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London), C&M = Classica et Mediaevalia, CB = Classical Bulletin, Chiron, CJ = Classical Journal, ClAnt = Classical Antiquity, CML = Classical and Modern Literature, CPh = Classical Philology, CQ = Classical Quarterly, CW = Classical World, ClIre = Classics Ireland, DHA = Dialogues d’histoire ancien, Dike = Rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico (Milan), EMC/CV = Échos du monde classique/Classical Views, Emeritá = Revista de Lingustía y Filología clásica (Madrid), Eranos, G&R = Greece & Rome, Gerion (Madrid), Glotta, GRBS = Greek, Roman & Byzantine Studies, Habis = Arqueología, Filología clásica (Seville University), Helios, Hermathena, Hermes, HSPh = Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Historia, ICS = Illinois Classical Studies, JHS = Journal of Hellenic Studies, JRS = Journal of Roman Studies:, Klio, Ktema (Strasbourg), Labeo (Rassegna di Diritto romano, Napoli), Latomus, LCM = Liverpool Classical Monthly, LEC = Les Études classiques, Lustrum, Maia, MD = Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici, MH = Museum Helveticum, Mnemosyne, MCr = Museum Criticum (Pisa), Pallas (Revue d’Études antiques, Toulouse), PCPhS = Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Philologus, Phoenix, Polis (Revista de ideas y formas políticas de la antiguedad clásica), PP = Parola del passato, PSN = Petronian Society Newsletter (Florida), QUCC = Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, RAHAL = Revue des Archéologues et Historiens d’Art de Louvain, Ramus, REA = Revue des Études anciennes, REG = Revue des Études grecques, REL = Revue des Études latines, RFIC = Rivista di filologia, RhM = Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, RIDA = Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité (Brussels), RPh = Revue de philologie, RSA = Rivista storica dell’Antichitá, Scholia, SCI = Scripta Classica Israelica, SIFC = Studi italiani di filologia classica, SO = Symbolae Osloenses, Synthesis (Universidad de La Plata, Argentina), TAPhA = Transactions of the American Philological Association, VDI* = Vestnik Drevnii Istorii [in Russian], WS = Wiener Studien, YClS = Yale Classical Studies, ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, ZRG* = Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschich

Appendix II: CONTENTS OF THE WEB SITE “LACUS CURTIUS” (as of Nov. 2006) This site made by the heroic Bill Thayer is one the most magnificent, and has been for me the most constantly and prodigiously useful, of all classical sites on the web. But it is such a labyrinth that I always forget exactly what is there, and how to find this or that. I made this more compact table of contents for myself, and give it here in case it can help anyone else.
ROMAN GAZETTEER, a commented photo album of Roman towns and monuments: Rome * Assisi * Augusta Zilil * Cesi * Cittàdi Castello * Fossato di Vico * Gubbio * Massa Martana * Mevania * Milan * Narni * Ostia * Perugia * Pitigliano * Rimini * Rusellae* Saintes * Spello * Spoleto * Todi * Trevi * Triponzo * ‘Urvinum Hortense’ * Vetulonia * Volubilis .
TOPICAL INDEXES: amphitheatres * gates * hydraulic engineering (aqueducts and baths) * roads * theatres * tombs

GREEK & LATIN TEXTS: 23 complete works from Antiquity: APPIAN: Roman History (English); AUGUSTUS: The Res Gestae or Monumentum Ancyranum (Latin, Greek, English); CASSIUS DIO: Roman History (English); CATO on Farming (Latin, English); CELSUS on Medicine (Latin, English); CENSORINUS: de Die natali(Latin, French); The Excerpta Valesiana (Latin); (in progress) CLAUDIAN (Latin, English: almost all the historical poems); (in progress) COLUMELLA (Latin, English); FRONTINUS on the Water Supply of Rome (Latin, English) and the Strategemata (Latin, English); GELLIUS: Noctes Atticae (Latin); GRATTIUS: Cynegeticon (Latin, English); ISIDORE of Seville (Latin); MACROBIUS: Saturnalia (Latin); PLINY the Elder: Natural History(Latin only); (in progress) PLUTARCH (English: most of the Parallel Lives and some of the Moralia); POLYBIUS: Roman Histories(English); PROCOPIUS: Secret History and Buildings (English); PTOLEMY: Tetrabiblos (English); QUINTILIAN: On the Education of an Orator (English); QUINTUS CURTIUS: The Histories of Alexander the Great (Latin); SUETONIUS: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (Latin, English); VELLEIUS Paterculus: History of Rome (Latin, English); VITRUVIUS on Architecture (Latin, English). In progress Dionysius of Halicarnassus (English); Historia Augusta (Latin, English); STRABO (English).

WILLIAM SMITH’s DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES [11/11/06: 838 pages, 374 woodcuts, 38 photos, 5 plans], An encyclopedic work … illustrated with its own woodcuts and some additional photographs… Chariots and carriages, the theatre, circus and amphitheatre, roads, bridges, aqueducts, obelisks, timepieces, organs, hair curlers; marriage & children, slaves, dance, salt mines, and… more; …special sections on law, religion, warfare, daily life, and clothing.
A TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT ROME by Samuel Ball Platner (as revised by Thomas Ashby in 1929), [11/17/06: 401 pages, 83 photos, 3 engravings] … a scholarly encyclopedia with hundreds of articles on the remains of antiquity within the city of Rome… Something like 70% of it is online here; I’ll eventually do all of it.
PAGAN & CHRISTIAN ROME by Rodolfo Lanciani, the rightly famous 19c archaeologist and topographer [107 drawings, 16 photos, 12 maps & plans]: splendid account of how Rome made the transition from the capital of Antiquity to the great city of our own time. … a mine of information on the Catacombs and the tombs of apostles, emperors and popes… This Web edition is enhanced with additional photos of my own, useful links, etc.
J. B. BURY’s HISTORY OF THE LATER ROMAN EMPIRE: [907pp in the print edition, presented in 35 webpages plus indexes; 2 photos, 7 maps & plans]: “Generally acknowledged to be Professor Bury’s masterpiece, this panoramic and painstakingly accurate reconstruction of the Western and Byzantine Roman Empire covers the period from 395 A.D., the death of Theodosius I, to 565 A.D., the death of Justinian.”
ANCIENT AND EARLY MEDIEVAL TOPOGRAPHICAL TEXTS onsite. For now, just three: Ptolemy’s Geography, the Regionaries (Notitia, Curiosum, and Appendices) and the Ordo Benedicti.
ROMAN BRITAIN now includes three books: John Ward’s The Roman Era in Britain, a general survey with many excellent illustrations (especially of jewelry, combs, keys, and similar objects); Thomas Codrington’s Roman Roads in Britain, long the standard authority in its field; and a regional resource, George Witts’s Archaeological Handbook of Gloucestershire.
The ANTIQUARY’s SHOEBOX [10/11/06: 45 articles]. Scholarly journals are a treasure-trove of interesting and very varied stuff; not all of it by any means is that difficult to grasp. This is my collection of public-domain articles from them; like most shoeboxes, it accumulates scraps over time, as I discover items that catch my fancy.
LATIN INSCRIPTIONS SITE on three levels: (a) for the expert: a bare listing with transcriptions of 200 inscriptions; (b) for the student: a selection of 28 photographed inscriptions, sorted by level of difficulty, solutions presented separately; (c) for the surfer: a topical and a geographical index to various webpages.
ROMAN ATLAS [29 maps]: A collection of 19c maps covering most of the Roman world, some of them indexed with ancient and modern placenames, longitude and latitude (both modern and ancient according to Ptolemy), bibliographical refs, web links, etc.
CATALOGUE OF ROMAN UMBRIA: Eventually, I hope to create similar catalogues of other parts of the Roman Empire.
THE TOMB OF MAUSOLUS, by W. R. Lethaby: not Roman at all, but who’s quibbling? An in-depth look at one of the wonders of the ancient world, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus: and an attempt at reconstructing it.

Karl Maurer, Department of Classics, University of Dallas