Drama, BA




In addition to the University's Core Curriculum, which may include Theater History (DRA 3310), Drama majors must take three of the following credits:

  • Theater Arts Workshop (DRA 1101)
  • Studio Rehearsal/Production (DRA 4142)
  • and 29 hours of advanced drama courses. 

Drama majors must also select one upper-level three-hour elective course from Drama department offerings or in related courses from other departments, such as:

  • Shakespeare
  • Greek Tragedy
  • Roman Drama
  • French Drama in the Twentieth Century
  • German Drama
  • Contemporary Drama in Spain
  • Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
  • Comprehensive Examination

The Comprehensive Examination is given early in the Spring semester of senior year.  Drama majors must pass this examination to fulfill requirements for graduation.  The exam may be taken a second time or a separate section may be repeated if necessary. The exam covers the following topics:

  • Theater History
  • Theater Literature
  • Production
  • Contemporary Theater
  • Stagecraft