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Drama Department

Fall 2024 Senior Studio Productions:
Two Shows in one night!

December 5th-7th

The Temp Stage in the UD Drama Building
1845 E. Northgate Dr., Irving, TX 75062

Ways and Means PosterWays and Means

By Noël Coward
Directed by Braden Barber

Ways and Means is a witty, effervescent comedy set in the 1930’s, in which charming but feckless couple Toby and Stella Cartwright are going to be evicted from a friend’s luxurious villa on the French Riviera. Penniless and wracked with gambling debts, the two plot, wheedle, and bicker with each other in a last-ditch effort to save their reputation.


the Flattering Word posterThe Flattering Word

by George Kelly
Directed by Sienna Abbott

The Flattering Word is a passionate, satirical comedy set in a small town in Ohio in 1905 in which a vaudeville actor disrupts the world of a rural pastor who believes that the church is directly opposed to the theater. The actor uses flattery to open the minds of the parsonage residents, revealing that perhaps the pastor and the actor are more alike than they initially thought.


For more information, contact Karen Gempel at (972) 721-5061.

Due to the limited seating, admission is free to UD students, faculty and staff, reservations are strongly recommended.

Reserve Tickets

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Drama at the University of Dallas

Drama programs at UD serve as a foundation for graduate study, professional work in theater and mass media, a teaching career in either elementary or secondary education, or, by proper choice of electives, graduate work in foreign language, English literature, dramatic literature, journalism, communication or comparative literature.

About UD Drama

A person committed to the study of theater within the framework of a liberal education must be prepared to work toward two goals: first, a thorough competence in the basic skill of dramatic expression and interpretation; and concurrently, a view that comprehends dramatic art as it relates to, expresses, and extends the surrounding culture.

Featured Productions

Drama Faculty

Kyle Lemieux

Kyle Lemieux, MFA

Associate Professor, Chair, Drama

Phone: (972) 721-5240

Email: klemieux@udallas.edu

Office: Drama Building #106

Stefan Novinski

Stefan Novinski, MFA

Associate Professor, Interim Chair, Drama

Phone: (972) 721-7018

Email: snovins@udallas.edu

Office: Drama Building #108

Office Hours: MWF 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. or by Appointment

Martin R. Sanchez, M.F.A.

Martin Sanchez, MFA

Resident Costume Designer and Shop Manager, Drama

Phone: (972) 721-5788

Email: mrsanchez@udallas.edu

Office: Jerome Hall Lower Level

Office Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.or by Appointment