Aida Ramos, PhD

Aida Ramos, PhD

Department Chair, Associate Professor, Economics

Phone: (972) 721-5159


Office: SB Hall #201

Office Hours: MWF 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. or by Appointment

For speaking & interview requests contact:


University of Notre Dame, PhD, Economics
University of Notre Dame, MA Economics
St. Mary’s University, BA History

Positions Held

Assistant Professor of Economics, Dept of Accounting, Economics, & Finance,
Graduate & undergraduate, West Texas A&M University
 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept of Management and Leadership, US Coast Guard Academy
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Latino Studies, Univ of Notre Dame
Lecturer, Dept of Economics, Univ of Notre Dame & St Mary’s Univ.

Courses Taught

Fundamentals of Economics
History of Economic Thought
Comparative Economic Systems
Economic Development
Political Economy
Special Topics: Seminar in Economic Development
Senior Thesis I & II
Special Topics: Economics of the Enlightenment
Catholic Social Thought and Economic Issues

Research Interests

History of Economic Thought and the Production of Knowledge
Economic Development
Economics of the Scottish Enlightenment
Irish Studies
Catholic Social Thought
Public Policy 


Shifting Capital: Mercantilism and the Economics of the Act of Union of 1707, Palgrave Macmillan, December 2018.

Book Chapters

“Beyond Montesquieu: Scottish Institutional Legal Thought and the Role of Custom in Sir James Steuart’s Principles of Political Economy,” in J. Menudo (ed.), The Economic Thought of Sir James Steuart: First Economist of the Scottish Enlightenment, Routledge, November 2019.

“On the Necessity of the Middle Class: Considerations and Cautions from Adam Smith and Sir James Steuart on Stability, Growth, and the Declining U.S. Middle Class,” In Parens and Espericueta (eds.), Reflections on the Middle Class: Philosophical and Historical, University of Costa Rica Press  Forthcoming.

Research Articles

•”’An Invitation to All Persons:’ The Dublin Society and Public Reason in Eighteenth-Century Ireland,” Oeconomia: Philosophy, History, Methodology, vol. 9, issue 3, Fall 2019.  Research article.  Final edit submitted 4 Nov 2019. Published Dec. 2019          

•“When She’s Forc’d She’s Free: Mercantilist Thought and Defoe’s Caledonia,” Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and His Contemporaries, 11.1 Fall 2019. Published Jan. 2020.

•”Inequality, the Middle Class, and the Common Good, A Matter of Spirit, journal of the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, Summer 2019.  Invited article.

• “Power vs. Provision: Jonathan Swift’s Economics as an Alternative to Mercantilism,” Eighteenth-Century Ireland (32), 2017.   

• “Luxury, Crisis, and Consumption: Sir James Steuart and the Eighteenth Century Luxury Debate,” History of Economics Review, Winter 2011. Research article.

• “A Universal Scotland of the Mind: James Steuart, Adam Smith, and the Need for a Political Economy,” co-authored with Philip Mirowski.  POROI: Journal for the Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry,* Spring 2011.  Research article. (*journal has since changed its subtitle to An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Inquiry and Invention)

Mapping Compassion on the Frontlines: A National Directory of Latino FBOs, with the Center for the Study of Latino Religion, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, online publication, March 2008  Research report.

•”Compassion on the Frontlines: An Assessment of Latino-Serving Faith-Based Organizations,” with G. Grenier, R. Burwell, E. Hernandez, M. Pena, M. Popescu, M. Mata, and J. Smith, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, online publication, March 2008. Research report. 

•Multiple entries.  The New Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment.  P. H. Reill & E. J. Wilson, eds. New York: Facts on File Publishing, 2004.  Peer-reviewed. Short research articles.

Media Appearances

  • Presenter/lecturer, UD video series on Catholic faith and culture, Lecture on Economics and Catholic Social Thought, 2017-2018.
  • Guest interview, on justice and Catholic Social Thought, Dave Palmer Show, Catholic radio, July 24, 2017.
  • Monthly guest: various topics related to development, energy, sustainability, Brexit, and Catholic social thought, Shootin the Breeze radio show, 1140AM Talk Radio, iHeart Radio online, March 2016-present
  • Interview on UD conference on the middle class, US middle class & CST, Dave Palmer show, Catholic Radio 940AM, August 16, 2016, aired Sept 3, 2016
  • Interview, Paris Climate Conference and developing countries, Shootin the Breeze Radio show, iHeart Radio, online, December 8, 2015
  • Interview: Laudato Si, economic development and energy policy, Shootin the Breeze radio show, iHeart Radio, online, Sept. 28, 2015.
  • Interview: Laudato Si, Catholic Social Teaching, and capitalism, Dave Rankin Show, AM730, McAllen, TX Sept 22, 2015.