The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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The program in literature provides a course of study in those authors who best exemplify the capacity of imagination to grasp truth. Teachers and students seek to learn what the best of the poets understand of nature and human experience.
ENG 1301, 1302, 2311, 2312 (Literary Tradition I-IV)ENG 3323 (Medieval Literature)ENG 3324 (Literary Study I: Lyric)ENG 3326 (Early Modern Literature)ENG 3327 (Romantic and Victorian Literature)ENG 4360 (American Literature)ENG 4362 (Twentieth-Century Literature)ENG 4363 (Literary Study II: Prose Fiction)and one upper-level English elective.
Students who must perform student teaching fall of senior year may substitute for ENG 4362 some other course in twentieth-century literature, provided it covers a range of major writers in the first half of the twentieth-century and that it covers both poetry and fiction. Students must obtain permission of the Chair for this substitution.