English, MA

Search out the wisdom of the poets

Intended for those who wish to pursue the advanced study of literature in English within the context of the Western tradition, graduate students tailor a curriculum to gain excellent preparation for a career in teaching, higher education, journalism, law or business. The MA in English also prepares students to pursue a doctorate in any number of programs in the humanities.

Girl reading

The Masters program in English at the University of Dallas is intended for those who wish to pursue the advanced study of Literature in English within the context of the Western tradition of culture and thought. The goal of our program is to develop and perfect a students capacities for sophisticated and independent thinking about literature, through which one can reach wisdom about the human condition.

The Masters program is focused on the humanities, broadly understood. This combination allows students to achieve an unusual depth and

breadth of understanding. Students are encouraged to integrate their literary studies within the broader traditions of thought and culture represented by the core curriculum. These traditions, however, are not constituted simply by the history of English literature. They consist of a set of overlapping and integrated traditions of philosophy, politics, and culture.

The program leading to a masters in English is designed for

those interested in deepening their knowledge and competence in the analysis of and the writing about literature. Our program appeals to a select audience, including students who may not have earned a Bachelor's degree in English Literature but who want to increase their knowledge of the English Literary tradition and the philosophy and theory of art. The Masters program, in addition to its general focus on human knowledge and understanding, prepares students to pursue careers in teaching, journalism, law, business, and is an excellent preparation for students wishing to pursue a Doctorate at any university, in any number of programs in the humanities.

Summary of the Program Requirements


  • A minimum of one year enrollment
  • Two meetings per semester with assigned advisor
  • Eight graded courses (24 credits), with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and a thesis tutorial (6 credits)
  • Submission of Master's Thesis, approximately 40 pages of original critical work
  • Demonstrated proficiency in a foreign language
  • A minimum of one year enrollment
  • Two meetings per semester with assigned advisor
  • Ten graded courses (30 credits), with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • No thesis or foreign language requirement
  • For either program, the graded courses must include the following:
  • ENG 5315: Introduction to Literary Study, taught each Fall term
  • Five graduate level seminars in English Literature
  • A positive evaluation on the comprehensive examination
  • Completion of above requirements within 6 years of matriculation at the University of Dallas.
Up to 9 units of graduate work at another institution may be transferred to satisfy unit requirements for the Master's degree.

Before beginning the M.A. thesis, the candidate will demonstrate a reading competency in Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, or Italian.  The language requirement may be met by completing an upper level language course with a grade of B or better, or by passing an examination in translation.

  • Completed application form
  • 750 word statement of purpose
  • General and English subject GRE test scores (from within the last three years)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A sample of academic writing

Applications will be evaluated regardless of undergraduate major. Please see the Braniff Graduate School for more information.