Ph.D., History, University of Oxford
M.Phil., Latin American Studies, University of Oxford
B.A., Modern History, University of Oxford
HIS 1311 American Civilization I
HIS 1312 American Civilization II
HIS 3361 History of Mexico
HIS 3363 History of Latin America I
HIS 3364 History of Latin America II
HIS 4357 Age of Revolution
HIS 4357 Revolution in Latin America
HIS 4357 ST/Modern Latin America
HIS 4357 Inter American Relations
HIS 4357 Social Justice in Latin America
Latin America, Inter-American Relations, and Hemispheric History
The Southern Cone and the Origins of Pan America, 1888-1933 (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022).
"Architects, Exchange, and the Consolidation of Pan-American Cooperation, 1914-40"
in The New Pan-Americanism and the Structuring of Inter-American Relations, ed. Juan Pablo Scarfi and David M. K. Sheinin, 22-44 (New York: Routledge, 2022).
“Militaries, Modernities, and Mesocracia: Reflections on the Rise of Middle Class Politics in Early-Twentieth-Century Latin
America”. In The Middle Class: Philosophical, Political, and Historical Perspectives, edited by José Espericueta, Joshua Parens, and Philipp Rosemann (San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020).
“Encontrando el balance: las visiones de la ciudad en América Latina, 1820-1920”. Translated by José Manuel Orozco. Revista Estudios 134 (Otoño 2020): 11-28.
“Instituciones e imágenes: política internacional” in Historia Política de Chile, 1810-2010: Historia del Estado. Edited by Francesca Rengifo and Iván Jaksic. Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2018.
"The Vanguard of Pan-Americanism: Inter-American Multilateralism in the Early Twentieth
Century". In Cooperation & Hegemony in US-Latin American Relations , ed. Juan Pablo Scarfi and Andrew Tillman, (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016):
Argentine and Chilean Approaches to Modern Pan-Americanism, 1888-1930, Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Oxford, 2014.