The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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Fr. Alkuin, O'Cist, Heiligenkreuz Abby November 7, 2024 Fire Insurance for Purgatory: The Scapular-Confraternities in Prelatial Abbeys
The Theology Department hosted Pater Edmund Waldstein, OCist, monk of Stift Heiligenkreuz, for a presentation on human dignity. The presentation will investigate traditional Catholic teaching on the "two powers," spiritual and temporal, and demonstrate how an understanding of this teaching can inform a proper understanding of human dignity. Fr. Edmund’s website:
The Department of Theology invited Donald Prudlo, PhD, William K. Warren Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Tulsa, to deliver this year's John Paul II Lecture. Prudlo's presentation was titled "Where Would Thomas Aquinas Live in Middle-Earth?"