Theology, Department & Faculty

Theology is "faith seeking understanding." Theology programs at the University of Dallas strive to faithfully heed and articulate the message of the Word of God. Students explore Scripture, the history of Christian doctrine, systematic theology and moral theology.

Our Western civilization cannot be properly understood without some knowledge of Christianity, which is both a basis and an integral part of our cultural heritage. The study of theology, however, is much more than an essential discipline in the liberal arts education; it has a higher and more comprehensive aim. In relating humanity and the world to their absolute origin and end, theology imparts an ultimate unity to our understanding of reality and helps us, as no purely human discipline can, to see and fulfill the meaning of human existence.

Theology Department Mission and Identity

  • We offer an intellectually rigorous Catholicism:  "always have your answer ready for the people who ask you the reason for the hope within" (I pt 3:15).  Our task is not primarily a catechetical one, but a theological one.
  • Our mission is the recovery and renewal of the Catholic theological tradition in harmony with the Magisterium and in dialogue with contemporary thought.  Since we know who we are, we are especially capable of dealing with the profound questions of modern and contemporary thought.
  • We integrate the four fields of theology:  Scripture, History of Christian Doctrine, Systematic Theology, and Moral Theology.  We treat all topics of these four fields within the living Catholic faith.
  • We read Scripture, and classic writings from Athanasius, Augustine, Aquinas, Newman, de Lubac, and theological writings from classic thinkers such as John Paul II.  In the "UD Core spirit" we focus on original texts. 
  • We are and continually strive to be scripturally and historically rooted, philosophically astute, ecumenical and faithful to Catholic teaching.

Distinctive Features

The Theology program at the University of Dallas has features that distinguish it from other programs.  For example, in their study of theology, UD students read primary theological texts rather than summaries in textbooks.  The theological texts read are foundational to western theological tradition and include such works as the Bible, Augustine's Confessions, the Summa of Thomas Aquinas, and Dei Verbum from the Second Vatican Council.

This engagement with primary and classic writings begins in two courses of the UD core, Understanding the Bible and Western Theological Tradition.  All UD undergraduates take these courses which provide the foundation for further theological study.  



Theology Concentration

Theology Concentration

Designed to offer students interested in theology the opportunity of a focused and structured course of study in theology beyond the Core Curriculum.

UD Shrine

Pastoral Ministry Concentration

The Concentration in Pastoral Ministry is designed to provide tools for pastoral ministry and practical experience in serving the church.

Theology Faculty

Irene Alexander, PhD

Irene Alexander, PhD

Associate Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 265-5860


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #226

Office Hours: MWF 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. & 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Richard Bulzacchelli

Richard Bulzacchelli, STD, STL

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-5036


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #128

Office Hours: MWF 10-10:30 a.m. / T 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. / R 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 - 2:50 p.m.


Gregory Cruess, PhD

Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Ministry Program, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-5239


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #132A

Office Hours: By Appointment

Adam Eitel

Adam Eitel, PhD

Associate Professor, Theology


Office: SB Hall, #238

Office Hours: MW 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Fr. Thomas Esposito, O. Cist.

Fr. Thomas Esposito, OCist

Associate Professor of Theology, Graduate Director of Master of Divinity Program

Phone: (972) 721-5217


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #222

Office Hours: On Sabbatical

Andrew Glicksman, PhD

Andrew Glicksman, PhD

Associate Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-5260


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #262

Office Hours: By Appointment

Mark Goodwin, PhD

Mark Goodwin, PhD

Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-5358


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #228

Office Hours: MW 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. / T 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.


Christopher Malloy, PhD

Professor of Theology, Department Chair; Graduate Theology Director

Phone: (972) 721-4096


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #266

Office Hours: MW 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Sr.Mary Angelica

Sr. Mary Angelica Neenan, OP, STD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 265-5859


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #220

Office Hours: MWF 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. / TR 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

John Norris, PhD

John Norris, PhD

Associate Professor, Theology; Associate Provost, Senior Academic Officer

Phone: (972) 721-5234


Office: Farrell Hall #223

Office Hours: By Appointment


Diana Dudoit Raiche, PhD

Associate Professor Emerita of Theology


Office Hours: By Appointment


Fr. Rafael Ramirez, SSD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-4061


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #132 B

Office Hours: MWF 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. / TR 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Ron Rombs, PhD

Ron Rombs, PhD

Associate Professor of Theology, Dean & Director, UD Rome Program


Office: Eugene Constantin Rome Campus

Office Hours: By Appointment

Fr. Joseph Van House

Fr. Joseph Van House, OCist

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Theology

Phone: (972) 721-5237


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #240

Office Hours: TWR 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Where have recent UD Theology graduates attended graduate school?

  • Masters, Theology, Ave Maria University 
  • Doctorate, Theology and Chiropractic Medicine, Parker University 
  • Masters, Secondary Education, University of Dallas
  • Masters, Education, University of Notre Dame
  • Doctorate, Theology, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 
  • Advanced Certificate, Counseling, Catholic Psych Institute 
  • Masters, Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas
  • Masters, Politics, University of Dallas

Where have recent UD Theology graduates been hired?

  • Youth Minister, Diocese of Tyler 
  • Theology Teacher, JSerra Catholic High School
  • Medical Scribe, Providence Medical Center
  • Missionary, Ablaze Ministries 
  • Latin Teacher, Faustina Academy 
  • Teaching Fellow, Seton Education Partners
  • Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
  • Lab Assistant, Eastfield College