The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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Professor of Psychology Scott Churchill, PhD: Essentials of Existential Phenomenological Research, published by the APA. “The book is based upon 40 years of developing the method at the University of Dallas,” said Churchill.
Affiliate Assistant Professor of Management Ben Dilla, PhD: Your Best Self at Work: Aligning Strengths, Emotional Intelligence & Resilience, published by Bold Leader Development. “I noticed a gap in the literature when it came to the connection between strengths and emotional intelligence, and people weren't really talking about how they interface with each other. That was the original genesis of wanting to write the book,” said Dilla. Read more.
Associate Professor of Philosophy Angela Knobel, PhD: Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues, published by University of Notre Dame Press. “My hope for the book is that it spurs a renewed appreciation for the role grace plays in Christian virtues. I also hope the book pushes forward the conversation since there is much in this area that remains unanswered,” said Knobel. Read more.
Associate Professor of Theology Christopher Malloy, PhD: False Mercy: Recent Heresies Distorting Catholic Truth, published by Sophia Institute Press. “Today, we need refreshment. We need direction home. We need the whole truth. We need clarity. We need errors pointed out and rejected. We need rebels to be disciplined lest, as ravenous wolves disguised as models of virtue, they seduce the young and impressionable away from the Catholic Faith,” wrote Malloy in the book’s preface, an excerpt of which is published in the Winter 2022 issue of UD’s alumni magazine, Tower. Additionally, on Oct. 27, Malloy appeared on EWTN in an interview with Father Mitch Pacwa discussing the book. Watch the interview at
Chair of Mathematics John Osoinach, PhD: Discovering Abstract Algebra, published by MAA Press. “Discovering Abstract Algebra provides an excellent collection of examples, exercises, and theorems to prove in the field of abstract algebra. … Discovering Abstract Algebra provides a more student-driven experience that excels at giving motivated students the opportunity to explore and discover abstract algebra for themselves,” wrote reviewer Kevin Gerstle, assistant professor at Hillsdale College. According to Associate Professor of Mathematics Paul Phillips, PhD, “This textbook is the culmination of several years of thought on how best to teach mathematics to our students. Publication with a major professional society further affirms the quality of this work.”
Associate Professor of Classics Elizabeth Robinson, PhD: Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise The Integration of Larinum into the Roman State, published by Oxford University Press. According to the book’s synopsis, “This book provides a new perspective on the Roman conquest, seen from a local perspective, focusing on the changes that occur in a single town in Italy in the lives of the citizens of that town during the time that Rome expanded into Italy,” said Robinson.