Scott Churchill, Constantin College
"Deep Listening: Phenomenological Applications of Empathy to the Research Interview and Patient Care"
In the Presenter's Words
Within the ethos of the social world, we encounter what Levinas called “the face of the other.” The
other's face, for Levinas, is an appeal, a call to action. This presentation focuses
on the “second person” perspective -- which is put into play when we address each
other as subjects -- is a way of seeing in which we as observers have a direct access
to the meaning of others’ experiences without having to rely on verbal communication.
This is especially important when others are unable to speak for themselves; but,
it is nonetheless a valuable “tool” in all health care contexts. It consists of the
aptitude that we all have as living persons to engage directly with others, to perceive
meaning directly in human expression, and to be able to grasp intuitively what the
other needs from us.
Saybrook University Residential Conference, San Francisco, California. (January 24, 2016)
Faculty Profile: Scott Churchill