The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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The cost of attendance is the cornerstone of establishing a student's financial need as it determines the limits on the total aid a student may receive for the purposes of state, federal, and campus based aid.
The cost of attendance is an estimate of each student's educational expenses for the period of enrollment.
Here are the costs for the 2022 Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA cohort) for 4 terms; summer 2023 through summer 2024.
Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) 2022 cohort (Sum/Fall/Spr/Sum)
Housing, Food, Personal Expenses, and Transportation estimates are based on an annual Cost of Attendance Survey completed by graduate students.
Certain classes may have fees; please check with Student Account Services if you have questions about your statement or charges on your account.