Student Involvement

Student Involvement

Internship within a CARE Partnership

Internship with the CARE-CCS Partnership

CARE has long-term partnerships with several community organizations including Crossroads Community Services, the Child Poverty Action Lab, CitySquare, Habitat for Humanity, and the North Texas Food Bank.  Each semester there is opportunity for students to create a tailored internship experiences for class credit.  Students interested in careers in health (including mental health), health policy or economic policy are highly encouraged to apply.  Additionally, Spanish speaking students or students wishing to gain practical experience using Spanish would be excellent candidates for this opportunity. Please see Dr. Carla Pezzia for more information about current internship opportunities.

Below is a list of UD students who have interned through CARE and completed a CARE-related research project.

  • Greg Pimental (Economics) interned at Crossroads: “Crossroads Community Services Economic Needs Evaluation”
  • Mark Houle (Economics) interned at Crossroads: “Direct and Indirect Effects of Minimum Wage Policy:  An Examination of Minimum Wage Policy Trends”
  • Kathryn Reed (Economics) interned at the North Texas Food Bank: “Concilio Health Fair Report:  An analysis of the relationship between the spatial arrangement of food sources and reported food access of residents in southwestern Dallas”
  • John McDonald (Economics) interned as a research assistance for CARE:  "Analysis of food insecurity and alleviation efforts"
  • Christian Huitz (Economics) interned at Crossroads:  "Analysis of the CARE Longitudinal Pilot Study"

Other students have interned through CARE as way of gaining experience in social/public service careers:

  • Eileen Rauh (English Language and Literature)
  • Natalie Gartland (Human and Social Sciences)
  • Kaylea Burt (Human and Social Sciences)