Websites, Apps & Study Tools

Websites, Apps & Study Tools

Make the most of technology!

This page contains links to some of the most useful websites for classicists, as well as a list of useful apps. Included here are also several invaluable grammar handouts created by the late Dr. Karl Maurer and several supplements to Chase & Phillips.

Perseus Digital Library

The Perseus Digital Library, run by Tufts University, contains a wealth of classical information. Below are a few of the most useful resources.

Liddell & Scott Intermediate Greek Lexicon

Greek Word Study Tool 

Lewis & Short Latin Dictionary

Perseus also contains a database of classical texts, usually accompanied by commentaries. Most of these texts are searchable, so if you would like to track the occurrences of a specific word in a given text or texts, Perseus is an invaluable tool.


Online Etymology Dictionary (an excellent etymological dictionary of English)

Logeion (a search engine run by the University of Chicago that allows you to search simultaneously the LSJ, the Diccionario griego-español, Lewis & Short, and duCange)

You can also access the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae via the UD library webpage. This useful database allows you to track the use of specific words throughout Greek texts.

Grammar Aids & Supplements

Dr. Maurer's Greek Grammar Handout

Dr. Maurer's Latin Grammar Handout

Dr. Maurer's Supplement to Chase & Phillips

Index to Chase & Phillips (by Alexandra Weston, University of Dallas)

On, you can download PDFs of Smyth's Greek Grammar, Goodwin's Greek Grammar, North & Hillard's Greek Prose Composition, Allen & Greenough's New Latin Grammar, and Bennett's A Latin Grammar, among other useful books.

Classical Scholarship

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (reviews of books published on classical topics)

Oxford Classical Dictionary Abbreviations (standard classical abbreviations used in scholarly texts)

You can access JSTOR through the UD library website. This digital library of articles and journals contains much Classics scholarship that will help you with your research. You can also request articles and books that our library does not possess through Tipasa (UD's Interlibrary Loan system). 

Classical Associations

Society for Classical Studies (articles and news of interest to classicists, as well as announcements of opportunities for students and faculty)

Classical Association of the Middle West and South 

Archaeological Institute of America (keep in touch with what is going on in the world of archaeology!)

Classics-themed Apps

Vice Verba by Ludicrous Software - this free application helps with mastering Latin verb forms

Anki by Ankitects Pty Ltd - this flashcard application is free for Android users and $25 for iPhone users; you can create your own flashcards or download those of other users, and the app employs a spaced repetition system geared for optimal memorization. There is a free desktop version, as well as an online companion website, and users can synchronize their cards and decks easily. $25 is, in the end, a small price to pay for such a useful app, but if you do not want to invest the money, you can always use the desktop version for free.



Background photo: Mycenae © 2015 by Rebecca Deitsch, BA '17