Fr. Robert Maguire, OCist

Fr. Robert Maguire, O.Cist.

Affiliated Assistant Professor, English

Phone: (972) 721-5343


Office: Braniff #318

Fr. Robert Maguire received his Ph.D. from the University of Dallas. His research interests include Irish and Southern Literature. 


  • B.A. Political Science, University of San Francisco
  • M.A. Politics and Literature, University of Dallas
  • Ph.D. Politics and Literature, University of Dallas
  • Monastic and Theological Studies, Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Dallas



  • Literary Tradition I, II, III, IV
  • American Literature
  • Modern Irish Literature
  • Faulkner's Vision
  • Literature of the American South
  • Irish Literature
  • "Gail Hightower's Archetypal Reversal of Judas's Betrayal of Christ in William Faulkner's novel Light in August." (American Academy of Religion's Southwest Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 4, 2000).
  • "Tirso de Molina's Play Damned for Despair: Fear, the Abuse of Rhetoric,and Despair" and "Passion and Playfulness: a Celebration of the Golden Age of Spain in Drama, Music, and the Visual Arts: An Interdisciplinary Symposium for the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures." (University of Dallas: Nov.6, 1999).
  • "Pip and Queequeg's Visions of Order in Response to Ahab and Ishmael's Questioning of God: Minority Insight as a Compass for Crossing the Unchartered Seas of the Soul in Melville's Moby-Dick." (AAR, Dallas, March 14, 1998).