SB Hall

Message from the Neuhoff Institute Executive Director

Jodi HuntWelcome to Neuhoff!

Authentically Catholic Intellectual & Spiritual Formation for Everyone

For forty years, our institute has drawn from the wellsprings of Catholic teaching and tradition to prepare people for service to the Church, offering transformative learning that inspires placing 'faith into action.' Guided by the University of Dallas's nurturing spirit in forming lifelong friendships, people of joyful faith, while challenging students to engage in rigorous learning, NIME welcomes all to join us on our journey of accompanying ordained, religious, and lay leaders seeking formation in Catholic leadership, ministry, and spirituality. As Executive Director, I am proud of the rich history of formation that the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization (NIME) has come to be nationally (and globally) recognized for; a place dedicated to forming the current and future ordained, religious, and lay leaders of our Church. It is my honor to lead this institute into its next chapter and invite you to join us as we embark on the journey of renewal and hope, ready to transform the world that we have been called to serve. 

NIME students and alums serve all across the world, tending to the broken world of our times and handing on the Faith in a variety of ministerial contexts serving as leaders in parishes, hospital chaplains, Catholic school administrators and teachers, and directors and coordinators in Diocesan offices.  A testament to NIME's commitment to form others and to be 'doers of the Word" (James 1:22). Being a part of an authentically Catholic university, we are committed to providing formation that challenges our students to go beyond themselves to be who God has called them to be. 

Our programs offer faithful formation and training that continues to serve our Church across the world, preparing ordained, religious, and lay leaders to work in "a world", in the words of Pope Francis, that they "could [once] hardly imagine." We share in the mission of the University of Dallas "to educate students so they may develop the intellectual and moral virtues, prepare themselves for life and work in a problematic and changing world…” 

Our institute is a place where theology is explored through the teachings and traditions of the Catholic faith – where faith is placed into practice. We hope that you will join us in this noble pursuit in answering God's call to serve, determine to transform the world and set it ablaze with His love.  

I look forward to seeing you soon on campus or online at one of our events or enrolled in one of courses. Know that I am here to answer any questions that you have, offer consulting for any of your leadership or ministerial formation needs, or to just be a 'sounding board' for you to work through ideas as you seek new ways to lead, teach, and accompany those who you have been called to serve. Contact me, any time – I am here and ready to embark on this journey with you. 

Dr. Jodi G. Hunt, Ph.D. | phone: 972.265.5835 | email: