Sacred Shifts

Navigating the Journey of a Second Career in Ministry 


Sept. 12th @ 11:30am CST/12:30PM EST - FREE Webinar - Open to the Public

Hear from Rosemarie Banich as she shares about the joyful journeys of transitioning from a first career into a second career in ministry. Whether you have been working for the Church for many years, just beginning, or thinking about embracing a change in your career, this webinar is for YOU!

To participate in this exciting webinar event, complete the simple registration form linked below or email: for assistance.

Guiding Christian Adults Toward a Purposeful Second Career in Faith Leadership

Aimed at preparing second career students for leadership roles in diverse faith communities, Sacred Shifts facilitates opportunities for ministry students (both degree and non-degree) to discern a second career in faith leadership.

Whether you are a current UD ministry student in one of the Neuhoff or graduate ministry programs or an alum, this program is for you as it provides mentoring and accompaniment in the ever changing landscape of shifting from a career in the private or public sector into the hierarchal church.

If you are interested in joining this program as either a student, alum, or as a mentor, please email or explore the pages linked to the right of this page.

Request More Information

If you would like to  invitations to other Sacred Shifts events and or information about how you may participate in the program as either a mentor or a mentee, please complete the interest form linked below.


Be who God meant you to be & you will set the world on fire.
St. Catherine of Siena