Fall Romers Spring Housing Details

Fall Romers Spring Housing Details

Spring 2025 Housing Registration for Fall Romers

All students currently on the Rome campus must complete some type of housing form for the spring semester regardless of any previous residency status or form submission. There will be plenty of time to submit housing forms for the official registration period  outlined on the right side of this page.  Please refresh your memory about the mandatory University of Dallas Residency Requirement.

General Information

Announcements (oral, paper, email, web) regarding Irving housing registration will be made to students on the Rome campus. General questions not answered here may be directed via email to housing@udallas.edu  Do NOT call Irving with random questions. This only delays the entire process.

Following the schedule on the right,  your first step is to apply for Spring 2025 housing in Irving via eRez.  As always, you are advised to have more than one plan in place in case your first choice is not possible for any reason.  

Once the relevant applications are available online, students may submit housing applications at any hour from any location in the world with Internet access – including the University of Dallas Rome campus or while traveling in Europe. 

While room selection by mutually confirmed Fromer roommate groups is an optional process, everyone must submit an application.  Housing applicants who do not participate in online room selection will be manually placed after room selection where possible.

Fromers with a mutual request to live with an Irving resident who have a spring opening in their current room only, may select the bed upon room number confirmation from the Irving resident.  

Fromers wishing to live with an Irving resident who would need reassignment to a different room  for the request have their own Irving process they must follow via a 'Room Change Request Form' and are subject to room availability after online Fromer room selection is complete.  If the request is not possible due to lack of room availability, the Irving residents will remain in place and the returning Romers manually placed where possible.

Qualifications for Official Commuter Status 

All University of Dallas undergraduates either DO or DO NOT qualify for official 'commuter' status based primarily upon age, senior classification or living locally with parents within a 50 mile radius of campus.

Returning Romers who DO qualify for official 'commuter' status [age 21 before the first class day of the spring semester; senior standing; married; veteran; or commuter living locally with parents within a 50 mile radius of campus ], must complete the Spring 2025 Commuter Application in eRez marking all appropriate boxes.  

Proof of parent residency at the local home address is also required via upload when you submit a commuter application based upon commuting from a local parents' home.  Please note that a "Verification of Residency Form" will also be mailed to the local home address of home commuters at a later date after the start of spring classes for a parent signature to be returned by a given deadline date.  Failure to submit this verification form by the deadline date will result in the return of standard housing charges to the student's account in the Business Office.

Those who do NOT qualify for official 'commuter' status but wish to live off-campus will generally fall into one of the below categories.  

  • FINANCIAL - Undergraduates with financial concerns about the cost of living on campus must have a current FAFSA on file. The Office of Student Life is not responsible for releasing students from the residency requirement due to financial issues. 
  • MEDICAL - Requests based upon medical concerns must be directed to the Disability Services Office.  However, please first send an email to housing@udallas.edu to request placement of an exemption form in your eRez account where you may formally indicate to Housing that you are pursuing a medical exemption via the Disability Services office.  See this Disability Services web page for details regarding medical exemption requests and contact information.  Be prepared to outline the general details of any medical issues creating a need that cannot be met by living on campus.  Be prepared to also submit medical documentation which supports the request based upon medical necessity.  
  • PERSONAL - "I want to live with my friends across the street" does not automatically qualify anyone for official 'commuter' status and will not be considered for exemption. Students who make these types of statements still fall under the mandatory residency requirement without exception and will continue to be billed accordingly for on-campus housing for the remainder of the academic year while enrolled as a full-time undergraduate.

Fall Romers wishing to pursue a formal exemption request to the UD residency requirement based upon financial concerns may do so via an Exemption Request application which will be placed in your eRez account once you send an application request to housing@udallas.edu.  The submission deadline is December 1st.  It is in your best interest to review all information given within the form prior to submission.  Be prepared to upload documentation in support of your request at the time of your submission.  You must still apply for spring housing in Irving while awaiting the outcome of the exemption request.  If an exemption is officially granted at a later date, the housing application will be canceled and posted housing charges will be removed from your student account in the Business Office.

Room Assignments

Returning Romers under the residency requirement should generally anticipate assignment to a room in Clark Hall. While placement in Clark Hall is the goal, be aware that placement elsewhere is possible in the event that assignment to Clark Hall is not possible for any reason. 

Click HERE for an overview of the Irving campus housing rates.

Interterm Housing Information  


Enjoy the holidays and we hope to see you again in the spring on the Irving campus!