Housing Policies and Procedures
Abandoned Property: Residents that have not properly cleared for enrollment or that have officially approved mid-semester room changes have two business days to remove all personal possessions from their originally assigned room. After this time, remaining items will be considered abandoned property and disposed of accordingly. The University of Dallas is not responsible for storage of abandoned property. This policy also applies to items left in community areas (such as laundry rooms, bathrooms, lounges, etc.) and items left behind during checkout at the end of the year or due to mid-year withdrawal.
Absence from Campus: Residents are asked to advise the University if they expect to be absent from campus for more than three days. Notice should be given to the appropriate Resident Assistant or to the Office of Student Life.
Air Conditioning/Heating: Facilities staff will switch the hall air conditioning/heating systems in the traditional halls as necessary each season. Once switched it cannot be changed back a few days later due to weather changes.
Alcohol Policy (see Student Handbook)
Antennae: External antennae in any form (including satellite dishes) may not be attached to the roofs or ledges, or extend outside room or apartment windows because of possible damage to the building or danger from electrical storms. Cable TV is available in the on-campus student apartments at an additional cost.
Bicycles: Bicycles may not be stored in Residence Hall stairwells, hallways, doorways, or storage areas. Bicycle racks are provided outside residence halls for bike storage. Bicycles found inside residence halls may be confiscated.
Board: As part of the Contract for Residence, students living in residence halls are required to purchase a residential meal plan. Those living in the student apartments are not obligated to purchase a meal plan. No refunds are given for only partial usage.
Check-in: EACH resident is required to complete a Room Condition Report upon check-in. This is done upon initial move-in for the year or anytime a room change is approved. Contact your RA for the form if not already provided.
Completion of this form is for the benefit of each resident. It allows each resident to insert notes regarding any room/furniture damages. Upon move-out later in the year and visual verification by staff, notes regarding any damages or missing furniture are compared to those made during the check-in process. Any discrepancies between the two, other than normal 'wear-and-tear' are then billed to student accounts. Damages or missing furniture noted at check-in protect the resident against unwarranted charges.
Failure to complete and return the Room Condition Report by the announced deadline date after move-in will result in an improper check-in fine.
Check-out: Residents must follow announced check-out procedures when they change rooms or depart school at the end of the academic year. Residents who fail to check-out properly will be fined and will be held accountable for the condition of their room. The room should be left in broom clean condition and all fixtures (i.e. the sink) should also be clean. NO personal property may be left in the room or in the hall. Failure to clean the room properly or to remove all personal items will result in fines. Any damage not listed on the room inventory check-in form will be charged to the residents (or to an individual if it is possible to ascertain who is individually responsible). Any issued room keys should be left with the RA to avoid additional fines. Contact your RA or the Office of Student Life regarding your Room Condition Report.
At the close of the fall semester, hall residents who will be returning to the same room in the spring may leave behind personal items but are also required to complete and submit a 'Fall Semester Closing Checklist'. RA's will provide information before the end of the semester on this process. Failure to complete the checklist will result in a $75 fine. After the checklist has been completed, Residence Life staff will conduct a brief inspection to make sure that the windows are secure and check for fire hazards. The doors will then be dead-bolted until halls are re-opened in the spring.
Chemicals: The storage of dangerous chemicals or chemicals that may be combined into a volatile compound is strictly prohibited in any campus residence.
Chin Up Bars: See Pull Up Bars
Cleaning and Custodial Services: Residents are responsible for cleaning their assigned rooms/apartments. The custodial staff will clean public areas (corridors, stairs, lobbies, lounges, and central bathrooms). Residents are expected to be considerate in the way they leave public areas. Rooms or apartments will be checked to determine if unsanitary or unsafe conditions exist. If such conditions are found, residents will be asked to correct the condition immediately. Failure to comply may result in a cancellation of the Contract for Residence or a substantial fine for cleaning services.
Cohabitation: Cohabitation is a violation of the housing contract and is not permitted in any University housing. Cohabitation is defined as unauthorized living in a residence hall or apartment space and/or prolonged or patterned visits, which extend beyond the normal understanding of visitation. Also see the Guest policy below.
Contract for Residence: Residents are required to complete a Housing Contract, which is an agreement between the individual student and the University. This is a binding legal document that sets forth the conditions and term of occupancy and may not be assigned to another person in any way. Each resident is fully responsible for meeting the conditions and terms of occupancy which are set forth in the document. Before submitting the contract, students are advised to read it carefully. Living on campus without a residential contract on file implies acceptance of all conditions set forth in the contract. Students who fall under the residency requirement and have an assigned room must actually reside on campus.
Cooking: Fire and health hazards prevent the preparation of food that requires the use of an open heating element in the residence hall rooms. Preparation of coffee, tea, and food is permitted in kitchenettes, which are located in the lounges of some of the residence halls. Those preparing food in the kitchenettes are responsible for cleanup. Use of personal portable grills or hibachis on patios, balconies, ledges, and on or under any portion of a structure is prohibited. Portable grills or hibachis, when used, must be a minimum of ten feet away from any structure. Residents will be charged restitution for any damages and subject to any fines imposed by the Irving Fire Department and the Office of Student Life.
Damages in Public Areas: It is the collective responsibility of those living in the residence halls or student apartments to report individuals who cause damage to community areas or property. Damage beyond normal wear and tear that is not accountable to individuals may be billed in equal amounts to the group having responsibilities for those public areas. Other actions may be taken to protect common areas.
Damages in Student Rooms/Apartments: Occupants of each room or apartment are responsible for keeping their room and its contents in good order and free from damage beyond normal wear and tear. At move-in, room/apartment condition reports must be completed by each resident by a given deadline date. After a resident checks out, the room/apartment is checked by staff for damage that may have occurred during the occupant's residency. Damages to the room that are clearly beyond reasonable use will be billed to the responsible individual. If individual responsibility cannot be established, all occupants of the room/apartment will be billed equally. Extraordinary cleaning required because of abuse of facilities and excess trash left in the room or in the hall will be at the expense of the residents.
Charges for repair of damages are determined by the Facilities Department on the basis of labor and material costs. Bills for damages will be charged to the account(s) of those responsible. Failure to pay damage charges may result in a Office of Finance hold being placed on the student's records, termination of the Housing Contract, or denial of the opportunity to live in University residential facilities.
Dart Boards: Dart boards are prohibited.
Decoration of Rooms: Residents may personalize their room or apartment in a manner approved by the Office of Student Life. Please refer to below chart to determine wall damage from decorations for which residents will be held accountable.. Permanent fixtures, construction, paint or wallpaper may not be added to any hall, room or apartment. Residents may not use large nails, screws, two-side tape, plastic-tack products, glues, or permanent adhesives on any wall, furniture, or floor surfaces. The use of dry-erase or other markers and pens is prohibited on resident hall door surfaces. Students are not permitted to make holes in the walls, woodwork or floors of the room or apartment, nor will the student make any alterations, additions or improvements to any portion of the room or apartment during their lease. If this occurs, residents will be charged restitution for damages and/or return to the original condition of the room/apartment.
Item | Augustine, Gregory, Madonna, O'Connell & Theresa Halls | Clark Hall, Jerome Hall & Campus Apts. |
Large Nails | Not permitted | Not permitted |
Small nails with metal hook | Not permitted | Permitted |
Thumbtacks, pushpins | Not permitted | Permitted |
Staples | Not permitted | Not permitted |
3M hooks | Permitted | Only permitted if left on wall for proper removal by staff. |
Masking tape | Not permitted | Not permitted |
Double sided tape, pads | Not permitted | Not permitted |
Cellophane tape | Not permitted | Not permitted |
Blue or green painter's tape | Permitted | Permitted |
All residence hall and apartment decorations, especially seasonal (Christmas, etc.) will be subject to safety evaluation by a Student Life staff member and/or a member of the University of Dallas Police Department. Any flammable decorations or those deemed unacceptable must be removed immediately at the request of the University. No live greenery is permitted (trees, wreaths, garlands, etc.). All wires must be taped down. Wires cannot be pinched under closed doors.
Early Arrivals: The only residents allowed to arrive early at the start of any term are those that are requested to do so by the University of Dallas. Other students requesting early arrival not at the request of the University of Dallas and approved to do so will be billed an additional nightly housing charge. Approvals are at the sole discretion of the Office of Student Life.
Electric Service in Student Apartment: A $25 administrative fee will be billed to students' accounts when the Office of Student Life must pay an electric bill due to the students' failure to establish and/or maintain an electrical account. This is in addition to any monthly usage bills sent to the Office of Student Life for payment.
Eviction: The University reserves the right to separate students from on-campus housing if they have not properly cleared for enrollment with the Business Office, Financial Aid or are under suspension of residence life privileges due to disciplinary issues.
Fire Safety Guidelines:
Approved Items
Curling/flat iron (with auto shut off) | Surge protectors |
Small stereos/radios | Microwave (under 700 watts) |
Refrigerators (4.6 cu. ft. or under) | Hair dryer |
Iron (with auto shut off) | George Foreman Grills |
Prohibited Items
Candles | Explosives/gunpowder |
Burning incense inside building | Hot pots/plates |
All flammable/combustible liquids | Toasters/toaster ovens |
Smoking (inside buildings) | Extension cords |
Halogen and Lava lamps | Space heaters |
Chemicals (other than cleaning supplies) | Fireworks |
- Alarms: The setting of false fire alarms is a particularly grievous act since such behavior seriously compromises the safety of other residents. False alarms due to the negligence or misuse of approved items may result in disciplinary sanctions. Students who fail to evacuate during a fire drill or alarm or to obey promptly the direction of a University or civil official during an emergency will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Decorations: Posters or decorations with flammable materials (paper, photos, etc.) on the room doors may be prohibited if deemed a fire safety hazard (C.I.F.C. 11.204). Items which have been laminated or otherwise made fireproof may be used as decoration.
- Electrical Guidelines: The electrical circuitry of residence hall rooms is not designed to handle electrical appliances that draw strong current. The use of electrical equipment in the residence halls is prohibited unless the following criteria are met: appliance is rated less than 6 amps (700 watts); appliance meets OSHA approved laboratory standards; and appliance does not contain an exposed heating element. Approved electrical appliances must be used with extreme caution and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Residents are responsible for using electrical equipment in a safe manner. Illegal appliances will be confiscated and held until the resident leaves University housing. Please see the chart with approved and prohibited appliances. Christmas lights must be appropriately rated for indoor use. Outdoor lights are not permitted. Lights may be checked by Facilities for safety.
- Equipment Tampering: A student who tampers with fire safety equipment or uses any firefighting equipment (such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, exit signs) improperly will face a minimum automatic fine of $100. If there is damage to the fire safety equipment or other circumstances that make the violation more severe, additional sanctions may be assigned.
- Safety Inspections: Safety inspections are conducted at least once per semester by University staff. The primary purpose of inspections is to ensure safety and to enforce policies including fire safety regulations. Additionally, University maintenance personnel will enter the students' rooms during breaks to ensure that things are in working order. Should items be found missing, inoperative, or dismantled in any way, they will be repaired immediately and charges will be assessed to the residents of the respective room.
- Setting Fires: Burning any substance, including candles and incense, or setting fires in the halls, to include setting fire to fliers or other posted materials, is a very serious breach of fire safety regulations and is not permitted under any circumstances. Violations of the fire safety policy will result in severe disciplinary sanction and may lead to a report submitted to the local Fire Marshal, who has the authority under Texas state law to file criminal charges against the violator.
Firearms and Weapons: Any object that could potentially inflict injury or cause harm that is used in a threatening, careless, or aggressive manner will be considered a weapon. Possession of weapons of any type, including but not limited to firearms, ammunition, air guns, gun replicas, incendiary and explosive devices, slingshots, knives, and martial arts training materials, are prohibited. Possession and/or use will result in immediate confiscation of the item and may result in disciplinary action.
Furnishings: Room and apartment furniture and other furnishings must be left in a student's room or apartment at all times. Residents will be responsible for damage caused to the furniture left outside or on the balconies. Under no circumstances is lounge furniture to be moved from the lounge area in the residence halls. Violation of this regulation may be considered theft and lead to disciplinary action and/or a fine. Furnishings brought in by residents which may cause damage or present a safety hazard are prohibited. Outside furniture must also be removed by the resident upon departure.
Guests: The right of a student to sleep and study in his/her room or apartment takes precedence over the right of a roommate to entertain a guest in the room or apartment. Occasional overnight guests of the same sex may stay free of charge in the student host's room up to three (3) nights, provided the host's roommate agrees. Guests may not stay in unoccupied beds without the consent of the student whose bed is to be used. Guests may stay with friends of the student host provided all parties agree. Guests are not permitted to sleep in residence hall lounges. Resident Assistants must be informed if a guest is expected.
While guests are on campus, the student host is fully responsible for the guest's actions. Guests are expected to abide by all University rules and regulations. Failure to do so will result in the guest being asked to leave campus immediately. Hosts for authorized guests staying beyond three nights will be billed a guest fee of $20 for each additional night.
Any person living in University housing without permission from the Director of Residence Life and without a valid contract is trespassing. Hosts will be subject to a minimum charge of $25 per day during the entire period of improper occupancy by the unauthorized guest, and may be subject to criminal charges of trespassing or loitering.
Hall Sports: Activities such as soccer, running, frisbee, football, baseball, golf, skating, etc., or shaving cream and water fights, are not permitted inside University housing areas. Hall sports may injure residents or guests. Engaging in these activities may also cause damage in housing areas, especially to fire safety equipment.
Keys: Residential keys to the 'traditional' halls are issued by the Office of Student Life. Students are responsible for those keys until they check out. All issued keys remain the property of the University and may not be duplicated, modified in any way, or loaned to other persons. Possession of keys to University property by anyone other than the individual to whom the keys were issued by the Office of Student Life will be considered as unauthorized possession and is not permitted. Unauthorized possession and/or use of keys to University property will result in immediate confiscation and may result in disciplinary action.
In the event of a lost or stolen room key, residents must consult with the Office of Student Life to requisition a lock core and key change for the room/apartment. The cost of $75 for the core change and key replacement will be billed directly to the resident who lost the key. Hall residents who lose mailbox keys should inform the Mail Room staff immediately for key replacement.
After room check out, all keys must be returned in person to the Resident Assistant
on the floor or directly to the Office of Student Life. Failure to return the keys
at the time of departure will result in a lock core change and charge. Duplicate keys
will not be accepted when you check out. Students will be billed for lock changes
if this occurs.
Keys must be turned in at the time of checkout to avoid fines. Each resident is responsible
for returning their own key to the Office of Student Life.
Residents should keep their room doors locked and keep their keys with them at all times. If the key is locked in the room, the resident should seek assistance from the roommate or Residence Life Staff member. University of Dallas Police may be contacted as a last resort.
Late Departures: The only residents allowed late departure at the end of any term are those that are officially requested to do so by the University of Dallas (i.e., graduating seniors). Other students requesting late departure not at the request of the University of Dallas nor for academically related reasons yet approved to do so will be billed an additional nightly housing charge. Approvals are at the sole discretion of the Office of Student Life.
Lewd and Disorderly Conduct: The University of Dallas will not tolerate disorderly, lewd, indecent, inappropriate, disruptive, loud or obscene conduct or behavior that interferes with the orderly functioning of the University on University of Dallas property or at a University of Dallas sponsored event off campus.
Lofting: Lofts may not be used in the residence halls or student apartments due to the potential safety hazard from possible collapse. Risers approved by Residence Life staff will be allowed. Risers may not exceed six inches.
Misuse of University Materials, Services, or Property: A student shall not misuse any University material, service or property. Misuse is defined as destroying, damaging, or defacing any University building, facility or property. Students are also prohibited from impairing or otherwise hindering another's use of a University material, service, or property; littering on or in any University property, facility, or building; or engaging in conduct that may result in damage or destruction of any University building, facility or property.
Maintenance Requests: Maintenance staff works closely with the Office of Student Life in making routine repairs within the residence halls and Student Apartments from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Service request forms are available online from the Facilities web pages. When the student submits a Service Request the student has authorized a maintenance person to enter the room and complete the repair. This will occur even if the student is not present. Maintenance personnel should leave a notification in the room upon their departure. The student is informed when some repairs require special attention or equipment.
Emergency repairs, especially in the evening hours or on weekends, are to be reported immediately to the University of Dallas Police Department, which will contact the appropriate service personnel. Emergency maintenance problems will take first priority. Repairs that occur as a result of damage or neglect will be billed to the residents of that room.
Noise: The general rule is that if the noise can easily be heard in another room, the sound level must be lowered to a level where it is no longer a disturbance.
Usually, the level of acceptable noise is best handled between residents themselves. Hall staff may be of help in working out an acceptable compromise. Blatant or repeated incidents involving unacceptable levels of noise will be treated as a disciplinary matter.
Occupancy Conditions: Residence hall rooms are designed to be used by students of the same sex. The co-educational residence halls are separated by floor or wing. The Student Apartments are designed as independent living units that accommodate up to two students in the one-bedroom apartments and up to four students in the two bedroom apartments. Students living in the apartments must be of the same sex unless legally married.
Occupancy Eligibility: Occupancy in residence halls and Student Apartments is open to full-time undergraduate students of the University. The conditions governing occupancy are stated in the 'Terms and Conditions' section of the housing contract. A student living in a residence must be enrolled during the semester of residence unless granted an exception by the Director of Residence Life. Priority is given to undergraduate students who fall under the residency requirement.
Occupancy Term: The term of occupancy shall be for the fall and spring semester of the academic year. Occupancy during Interterm, Mayterm, and the summer semesters is independent from the above. The specific dates of occupancy and conditions governing them are stated in the 'Terms and Conditions' section of the housing contract as well as on the web site. . Any student occupying a residence hall room or student apartment after the contract period will be liable for a late check-out fee on an hourly basis until the premises are vacated.
Open House Hours: The primary purpose of the University of Dallas' residential visitation hours (Open House Hours) is to assist in the development of positive interpersonal relationships in a setting which provides for some privacy and the need to place strong emphasis on mature, responsible social behavior within the Catholic mission of the institution. Open House Hours are those times when members of the opposite sex may be on the floor of a residence hall (i.e. in the hallway or individual rooms). Open House Hours only apply to residence halls; they do not apply to undergraduate and graduate student apartments.
Contact your RA or the Office of Student Life for current year hours in your hall.
Exterior residence hall doors are to remain locked at all times. During Open House Hours, room doors are to remain bolted open while a visitor of the opposite sex is in the room. (The door is opened and the dead bolt is placed in the locked position. The door may then be allowed to shut as far as it will. This policy applies to both men's and women's residence halls.
Resident Assistants and other residence life staff monitor the Open House/Bolt Policy.
Pest Control: Although residence hall rooms and Student Apartment are sprayed for insects by professional exterminators on a regular schedule, room and kitchen cleanliness is the best form of pest control. The key to controlling roaches and other pests is to eliminate possible breeding grounds and other attractions such as unwrapped food. Empty cans and bottles should be discarded immediately.
Pets: With the exception of small fish kept in an approved aquarium, no pet animals of any kind are permitted in the residence halls or the Student Apartments. The policy is necessary for reasons of health and sanitation. Violators of the pet policy are subject to disciplinary action and will be charged the cost of extermination and/or deodorizing.
Property Insurance: The student assumes the risk of theft, loss, damage, or destruction of personal property that occurs in a residence hall or the Student Apartments. It is highly recommended that a student's personal property be covered on the family's homeowners' insurance policy or with a separate policy specifically designed for students.
Pull Up Bars: "Pull Up" Bars are not allowed in any residential area on campus. These bars are dangerous and in many cases cause significant damage to door frames. If discovered, a pull up bar is subject to confiscation. Residents will also be subject to disciplinary action and possible fines.
Quiet Hours: Quiet hours are in effect from 10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. 24-hour quiet hours are in effect during examination periods. If the noise level is excessive or problematic the offender should be asked courteously to reduce the noise level. If abuse of quiet hours continues, a member of the hall staff should be notified. See the Noise policy above.
Residence Hall Lounges: Residence hall lounges are provided for the primary use of the residents of that particular hall. The Residence Coordinator must approve parties, get-togethers, and small gatherings in advance. All University policies and regulations apply to the use of the lounge and adjoining kitchen. Sponsors of approved events are expected to clean up afterwards.
Roof Areas: For safety reasons, students and their guests are not permitted on the roof or ledges of University buildings. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
Roommate Conflicts: Primary responsibility for solving the issue lies with the roommates in conflict. The Residence Life Staff is available to assist if necessary. Roommates in conflict MUST first consult their RA before a roommate change can be considered. NO roommate changes are considered until after the first two weeks of class in any semester. Only changes based on extenuating and/or irreconcilable circumstances will be considered and must be approved by the Director of Residence Life.
No changes can be made until the Office of Student Life gives final approval. Unauthorized moving and switching keys is not permitted. If this occurs, a $150.00 improper room change fee will be assessed.
Room Inspection, Entry, and Search: The University reserves the right to enter a student's room to assure it is properly maintained, to provide for the health and safety of the hall residents, and to investigate possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
The Director of Residence Life or professional staff acting in his absence will determine if appropriate cause exists to search a student's room. If probable cause is determined, the official will inform the student of the basis for the search and have the search conducted in the student's presence if at all possible. A student living in a residence hall or Student Apartment is not immune from a legal search by law enforcement officers. All rooms are periodically checked for safety purposes and to secure each building during breaks.
Sales and Solicitation: Individuals representing off-campus organizations may not sell or solicit within residence halls or student apartments. Such activity should be reported immediately to the University of Dallas Police Department. On-campus organizations must have prior approval from the Office of Student Life.
Screens: Residence hall rooms are equipped with locking security screens. Screens may be opened for emergency escape during a fire. Students will be charged a minimum of $100.00 for replacement of screens removed from windows or repair of screens damaged by improper use and abuse. Under NO circumstances except for a fire are the windows to be used as an exit. Disciplinary action and a $100.00 fine will be imposed.
Security: Students living in any residential area on campus are provided a swipe card to the outside doors, which are locked at all times. University of Dallas Police Officers patrols the parking lots continually and the Residence Hall living areas during late evening hours. It is essential that residents are alert to strangers in the residence halls and the Student Apartments and immediately report any unusual occurrence to the University of Dallas Police Department at 972-721-5305. It is important that locked doors are not compromised in any way. Propping open exterior doors in the residence halls WILL result in an automatic fine.
Smoking: Smoking is strictly prohibited inside any Residence Hall and the Student Apartments. Smoking is also prohibited outdoors within 25-feet of all entrances and exits of the Residence Halls. Smoking is permitted on the patios and balconies of the Residence Halls and Student Apartments. Click here for the FULL POLICY.
Storage: Limited storage (think suitcases) is available during the semester of enrollment. Students wishing to store items in any available storage closets do so at their own risk. Upon departure at the end of each semester, students may not store any personal property anywhere on campus. Summer storage is prohibited. See also 'Abandoned Property' section.
Theft of Service: Theft or aiding others in the theft of services from the cafeteria or laundry rooms is punishable by a minimum automatic $100 fine.
Theft Prevention: The best security against the possibility of theft is for residents to keep their room doors and windows locked at all times. Before opening the door to callers, the resident should ask callers to identify themselves. Window blinds or draperies should be closed after dark, even when someone is in the room.
Residents are advised not to keep large amounts of money in their rooms or on their persons. Credit cards should be canceled immediately if lost or stolen. Expensive personal property such as jewelry should be kept in a locked trunk or security box, which may be kept in the room.
All clothing should be marked distinctly and not loaned to other persons.
It is unwise to leave clothing unattended in a laundry room.
Electronic equipment and other personal property with a serial number should be recorded
and filed for reference purposes. Automobiles should be locked at all times and registered
with the University of Dallas Police Department.
Should a theft occur, the incident should be reported immediately to the University
of Dallas Police Department and to the Director of Residence Life.
Trash: Students are required to place all trash in the University provided trash receptacles within and around the residence halls. Small amounts of trash can be disposed of in the trash receptacles located in each residence hall. Trash should not be left outside a residence hall door, beside a residence hall trashcan, or in a stairwell. University staff will remove trash according to the building cleaning schedule. Large amounts of trash, waste, or unwanted items must be disposed of in nearby dumpsters.
Vacation Periods: Halls are closed during vacation periods as announced in the University Calendar. During this time Residence Life Staff are not available, and meals are not served. Students do not have access to their rooms, which are checked and dead bolted for safety and security reasons. Students that attempt unauthorized hall access during holiday periods will be charged a $100 fine.
Prior to leaving for vacation, residents will be given a 'Fall Semester Closing Checklist' and are required to:
- Unplug all electrical appliances from the wall outlets (inc. defrosting and emptying fridge)
- Lock the windows, lower blinds halfway and turn off the lights
- Secure valuable items or take them home
- Empty trash cans
Failure to do so will result in a $75 fine.
Visitation: Residents in University housing areas are granted the privilege of visiting and receiving guests in their rooms under specific conditions. The privilege of visitation carries with it the responsibility to consider the rights, feelings, and moral principles of others. Visitors and hosts/hostesses who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action. Non-student visitors will be escorted from the campus and/or subject to the charge of trespassing.