Orientation Leader Applications

Orientation Leader Applications

Apply to be an Orientation Leader

Each year, the Offices of Admission and Student Life will select a group of mature and dedicated undergraduate leaders to assist with implementing orientation programs during the summer and fall. Orientation Leaders serve as guides for new students, who are making the transition to the diverse academic, intellectual and social culture of the University of Dallas.

Orientation Leaders....

    • Implement orientation programs for new students.
    • Engage in a comprehensive leadership development training experience.
    • Provide exceptional customer experiences for all new students, parents and families, and guests to the university.
    • Build professional confidence, develop communication skills, work with a diverse team of peers toward a common goal and make lasting campus connections.
    • Make a lasting impact on the University of Dallas.

Before submitting an application, please read the job descriptions provided in the links below.

Orientation Leader Job Description

Parent Assistant Job Description