Certifying Classes with the Department of Veterans Affairs
Once you have registered with the Veterans Affairs Coordinator by applying for your VA benefits and submitting the required documentation to the Veterans Affairs Coordindator, you are ready to use your VA educational benefits at the University of Dallas. The VA requires colleges and universities to certify your classes before the VA will provide you with any tuition, fees, housing, or book stipend educational benefits to which you may be entitled. In order to expedite the processing of your courses, please keep in mind the following guidelines:
- You will need to have registered for your classes before the University can certify your classes.
- After you have registered, submit an online written request to have your classes certified. You can submit your request at udallas.edu/vacert-request.
- Your request generally should be submitted before the start of the term or semester. Late certifications may result in delay of payment of benefits, including housing benefits.
- If you change your registration in any way (adding, removing, or changing courses), it is your obligation to notify the Veterans Affairs Coordinator.
- The University cannot certify any courses that do not meet your specific degree program requirements, nor programs that are not included in the University’s approved list on WEAMS. The University also cannot certify any courses for which you have already earned a passing grade.
- Finally, it is your responsibility to know when your educational benefits are exhausted.