Applied mathematics explores the pure mathematical principles that undergird subjects of interest to other disciplines. The concentration includes a series of mathematics courses, an elective in applied mathematics or computer science, and an elective in another field.
Applied Mathematics, Concentration
The concentration consists of five courses: three required courses - Calculus III (MAT 2412), Linear Algebra (MAT 3310) and Applied Mathematics (MAT 4315); an elective in applied mathematics or computer science, selected from the following list:
- MAT 3324 Differential Equations
- MAT 3325 Complex Analysis
- MAT 3326 Probability
- MAT 3327 Statistics
- MAT 3338 Numerical Analysis
- MCS 3312 Analysis of Algorithms
- MCS 3316 Advanced Discrete Structures
- Courses as approved by the department
and an elective from a field other than mathematics or computer science. Possible
choices include:
- CHE 3331 Physical Chemistry I
- ECO 3327 Statistical Theory and Methods
- ECO 3328 Business and Economic Forecasting
- PHI 4333 Philosophy of Science
- PHY 3341 Optics
- PHY 3363 Computational Physics
- PHY 4327 Electromagnetic Theory
- PHY 4423 Theoretical Mechanics
- PHY 4424 Quantum Mechanics
- PSY 3326 Statistics for the Social Sciences
- Other electives as approved by the department.