Ph.D., Classics, University of California, Berkeley
M.A., English, University of California, Berkeley
A.B., English, Harvard College
Associate Professor of Classics, University of Dallas, 2004-present
Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Dallas, 1979-2004
Lecturer in Classics, University of California at Berkeley, 1975-78
Instructor in Classics, Ohio State University, 1970-74
Professional Appointments (University of Dallas)
Chairman, Classics Department (2000-01, 2012-2024)
Dean, Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts (2001-2013)
Director, Institute of Philosophic Studies (2001-2013)
Director, Graduate Program in Humanities (1985-92, 1994-2013)
Director, Classics Program (1987-92)
Recent Courses
Second Year Greek (CLG 2315)
Homer (CLG 3327)
Ovid: The Metamorphoses (CLL 3V50)
Advanced Latin and Grammar Composition (CLL 3324)
Cicero De Republica (CLL 3332)
Second-Year Greek (CLG 2315)
Senior Project (CLG 4342 & CLL 4342)
Roman Lyric: Vergil & Horace (CLL 3326)
Second-Year Latin II (CLL 2312)
Greek Poetry (CLG 3V50)
Greek Historians: Thucydides (CLG 3325)
Greek Historians: Herodotus (CLG 3325)
Homer (CLG 3327)
Advanced Greek Grammar and Composition (CLG 3324)
Latin Grammar Review (CLL 1305)
Greek Epic and Tragedy, Herodotus, Plato; Latin Poetry (Catullus, Vergil, Horace, Juvenal), Cicero
- "Some Principles at Work in Hesiod's Theogony." Expositions, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. Vol.6, No. 1 (2012), 90-97. Expositions is a journal published by the Villanova Center for Liberal Education. (The Summer 2012 issue of Expositions can be found here.)
- "The Noose of Words in Herodotus' Persians and Euripides' Hippolytus," a talk given at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, December 1, 2007
- "Catullus 65: Grief and Poetry," Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, v.XIII, Editions Latomus; Brussels (2006) 87-96
- "Conscience and Co-Knowledge in Hamlet and Classical Antiquity," a talk given at the annual meeting of the Association of Core Texts and Courses, in Vancouver, April 8, 2005
- "Catullus 11: a Study in Perspective," Latomus, Revue d'Études Latines 46 (l987) 510-526
- "Plato's Greater Hippias," a translation with notes and an interpretive essay included in The Roots of Political Philosophy: Ten Forgotten Socratic Dialogues, Thomas L. Pangle (ed.), Cornell U.P., l987
- "Juvenal's Satire 4: Poetic Uses of Indirection," California Studies in Classical Antiquity 12 (1979) 283-303