Memorial Garden

Support Philosophy at UD

Fund Our Mission

Thank you for considering a donation to the University of Dallas Philosophy Department! If you’re looking to give to the Cor Fund or to another program, you can do so here

A donation to the Philosophy Department is about sharing a vision and goals, much more than about sharing dollars and cents. Here are some ways you can have a direct, immediate impact on the work of our faculty and students.

There are still a lot of really worthwhile books out there. Many are quite expensive, and we can’t afford to purchase them all. For a donation of at least $75 we’ll purchase an additional volume for the library, chosen to honor your favorite UD philosophy professor. We’ll inscribe the book with your name and the name of the current or former professor you wish to honor.

You can donate a book by making a tribute gift via UD’s online donation page. When asked to select the fund, choose “Other,” and specify “Philosophy Library Fund.”

In every age, philosophy must make the case for its own importance. We’re reaching out to current UD students in a variety of ways, and whenever we bring them together for conversation, refreshments are welcome.

You can help out with the next pot of coffee via UD’s online donation page. When asked to select the fund, choose “Other,” and specify “Philosophy Coffee Fund.”

It’s not easy to support a family while pursuing a doctorate. One of UD’s greatest philosophers, the late Dr. Robert Wood, endowed a fellowship for married students in our doctoral program. Your gift can help this endowment grow.

To donate, visit UD’s online donation page. When asked to select the fund, choose “Other,” and specify “R.E Wood Endowment.”