Theology, MA

The University of Dallas offers  the Master of Arts in Theology and the Master of Theology. The MA and MTh in theology at the University of Dallas explores the masters of the Catholic Tradition with intellectual rigor and enthusiastic orthodoxy. Students plumb the depths of Scripture, trace dogmatic and theological developments, and explore the true path to virtue, holiness and happiness with God.

The MA in theology at the University of Dallas explores the masters of the Catholic Tradition with intellectual rigor and enthusiastic orthodoxy. Students plumb the depths of Scripture, trace dogmatic and theological developments, and explore the true path to virtue, holiness and happiness with God.

Master of Arts in Theology: 30 credit hours 

Coursework: 24 credit hours
A maximum of twelve credits may be earned in 5000 level courses. Six credits may be transferred, with the recommendation of the Chairman, from a graduate institution toward the graduate credits.

Thesis & thesis seminar: 6 credit hours
The thesis requirement comprises 6 credit hours.

Foreign language requirement
A reading knowledge of a classical or modern language is required.
In addition to Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, and Italian, the University offers Biblical Hebrew, a language especially appropriate for students who have a particular interest in the study of Scripture.

Comprehensive exam
The comprehensive exam has written and oral components.