Frequently Asked Questions

I'm an international student. How do I apply?

In addition to Application Checklist items, international students must submit the following for their application to be considered complete:

  1. Full evaluation of transcripts from all international schools: You must order a General Evaluation with GPA via Transcript Research. Once ordered, we will forward certified copies of all transcripts to Transcript Research to complete the evaluation.
  2. Demonstration of English language proficienc: This requirement is achieved by presenting an acceptable score of 80 (IBT) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or by holding a degree from an accredited English language college or university.
  3. Copy of the front of Permanent Resident Card (if applicable or, if you have filed the I-485 for a green card, a copy of the USCIS Receipt Notice)
  4. Confirmation of Financial Resources Form (F1 Visa holders only)
  5. Bank statement (F1 Visa holders only)

For more information on International Student Services including how to obtain an I-20, please visit: udallas.edu/offices/iss[BROKEN LINK].

I'm a non-degree seeking student. How do I apply?

Non-degree (or Special) students are students who wish to enroll in graduate level courses but are not seeking a degree. Students should be over 21 years old and have completed an undergraduate degree.

To apply, complete the Online Graduate Application and submit official copies of your transcripts from every institution attended. Transcripts may be sent electronically from the institution to ministry@udallas.edu or mailed to:

Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization
Graduate Program
1845 E. Northgate Drive
Irving, Texas 75062 

If at any time a non-degree seeking student wishes to seek a graduate degree, a new application and all required documents for regular admission will be required. Note: Only nine (9) credits earned as a non-degree seeking student may be applied toward a graduate degree program.

Contact the NIME Coordinator of Graduate Enrollment at 972-265-5814 or ministry@udallas.edu with questions or needs for additional information on enrolling as a non-degree seeking student.

How do I apply for readmission?

Students previously enrolled in the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization graduate program, or any University of Dallas graduate program, who have fallen inactive must apply for readmission by submitting our online readmission form and a letter of intent, sharing your goals and objectives for returning to studies.

Note: Applicants are required to meet current admission standards and be in satisfactory academic and financial standing. Readmitted students are also required to meet catalog requirements current at the time of re-application, which may require taking additional courses and repeating courses previously taken. Readmitted students may lose previously awarded financial aid or transfer credits.

What is your transfer credit policy?

Upon approval of the Dean, a maximum of nine (9) graduate credits can be transferred from other units of the university or from similar programs at regionally accredited institutions. At the time of application, the student must petition the Dean for the transfer of credit and supply the proper documentation and description of the courses for which credit is sought.  Ministry students seeking to take courses outside the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization must have written permission from the Dean in advance.  A minimum of 28 credits must be taken from courses within the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization.