The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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The Small Group Program is a collection of First-Generation College Students serving as peer mentors focused on supporting first-year at UD students and all first-generation students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a university environment. Students from all grades are welcomed and encouraged to participate with the goal of cultivating a greater sense of community and belonging.
The mentors also host office hours throughout campus. Mentors choose a locationon campus during a particular time and welcome anyone to join them to discuss any academic topic such as study skills, Optimal Work, time management, life on campus, previous experience with internhsips, and other campus resources. The purpose of these meetings is to offer Small Group participants a chance to build genuine and trusting relationships with their peer mentors. Our mentors are not necessarily themselves the experts in many of these topics, but they are fully equipped to guide students to any campus resources they may need.
If you would like to book an an appointment with our Optimal Work coaches, you can use this appointment calendar link to meet with Grecia Grajeda, Jesus Hurtado, Peter Key, or Janie Serrano. A single meeting is about 25-30 minutes long. If you would like to meet to discuss an Optimal Work video or get help setting up a project, you can book one appointment slot. If you would like to meet a coach to do a Golden Hour together, you can book two appointment slots.
All small group participants are encouraged to do community service, and we are happy to help them find opportunities in the DFW area.
We are partnering with SLRS to get involved with the community. The first saturday of every month, SLRS will volunteer at Crossroads Community Services from 9am-12pm at 4500 S Cockrell Hill Rd, Dallas, TX 75236. If you are interested, please fill out this form.
The details regarding Small Groups office hours and events are located in this calendar. Please reach out to Judith Barrera at if you have any questions.
If you would like to be added to our email list to receive biweekly newsletters about first-gen resources, please email Judith Barrera at You can also reach out to Ms. Barrera with any questions you have about first-gen initatives.