3rd Annual Braniff Undergraduate Conference in the Liberal Arts

3rd Annual Braniff Undergraduate Conference in the Liberal Arts

3rd Annual Braniff Undergraduate Conference in the Liberal Arts | The Good Life | Jan. 16, 2021 | 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Braniff Graduate Student Association of the University of Dallas is pleased to announce the third annual Braniff Undergraduate Conference in the Liberal Arts. This conference aims to recover and renew the Western heritage of liberal arts and the Christian intellectual tradition in pursuit of eudaimonia, the good life.

The conference will take place on Zoom, sponsored by the University of Dallas. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89671468208

Dr. Kathryn Davis Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Davis, Ph.D. | University of Dallas

Dr. Davis is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Dallas. She received her doctorate from the University of Dallas. Her research interests include  Jane Austen, Dante, and Shakespeare.

 Dr. Davis' keynote presentation is entitled, "Jane Austen, auctor: moral philosophy and artistic practice," and will take place on Zoom at 4:00 p.m.



Call for Papers

We invite juniors, seniors, and recent college graduates working in the liberal arts to submit abstracts of no more than 500 words. Preference will be given to papers and presentations conversant with the great texts of the Western tradition. We welcome presentations in liberal arts disciplines including—but not limited to—philosophy, literature, politics, theology, classics, fine art, history, education, psychology, and economics, and drawing from the classical, medieval, modern, or contemporary period.

Submissions are due no later than Friday, December 18, 2020. Presenters will be notified of their acceptance by Monday, January 4, 2021. Full papers will be posted on a password protected page of the BUCLA website for conference participants, and presenters will be asked to present a short (5 minute) presentation over a summary or section of the paper during the online panels. This conference is for undergraduate scholars and recent graduates only, and as such no submissions by graduate students will be accepted. The conference will be entirely online.

The CFP flyer can be found here.

Conference Program

Conference Schedule

  • 1:00 - 1:50 -- Panel 1:Imitation and Reality
    • Bridget Wu, St. John's College, Santa Fe -- "Receiving Poetry Back from Exile: Poetry as a Friend to Philosophy in Book X of Plato's Republic"
    • Yufei Liu, St. John's College, Maryland -- "The Reality of Virtual Reality: A Linguistic Investigation of the Truth of Immaterial Objects"
    • Nestor Fernando Aranibar Campero, St. John's College, Santa Fe -- "The Pedagogy of the Menexenus"
  • 2:00 - 2:50 -- Panel 2: Historicism and Progressivism
    • Belynn Hollers, University of Dallas -- "Richard T. Ely: Public Ownership of Industry and Land"
    • Kelsi Cox, The University of Texas -- "Radical Historicism and the Historicist Critique of Philosophy in Leo Strauss's Natural Right and History"
  • 3:00 - 3:50 -- Panel 3: Crime and Punishment
    • Aayush Thapa, St. John's College, Santa Fe -- "An Elementary Misunderstanding: The Figure of the 'Curious Impertinent' in Don Quixote"
    • Abigail Leali, Hillsdale College -- "A Bleeding Hand: Habit, Grace, and Free Will in Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus"
    • Gillian Richards, The Catholic University of America -- "Traditional and New Natural Law Theories on Capital Punishment"
  • 4:00 - 4:50 -- Keynote Panel
    • Dr. Kathryn Davis, "Jane Austen, auctor: moral philosophy and artistic practice"

Previous Conferences

  • 1st Annual BUCLA, University of Dallas | Keynote Speaker: Susan Hanssen, Ph.D.
  • 2nd Annual BUCLA, University of Dallas | Keynote Panel: Joshua Parens, Ph.D., Richard Dougherty, Ph.D., Gilbert Garza, Ph.D., Kathryn Davis, Ph.D., Fr. Thomas Esposito, O. Cist.