Clubs & Organizations

Clubs & Organizations


American Society for Micobiology

ASM provides support for students in microbiology with respect to academic curriculum, research, and employment. Our chapter extends volunteer opportunities to students and encourages student participation in local, state, and national ASM meetings. In addition, it gives students the opportunity to attend lectures from faculty in various fields of science.

Faculty Advisor: William Cody, Ph.D.


Pre-Health Professions Society

The purpose of the Pre-Health Professions Society is to provide information, practical experience, and a social environment for all students at the University of Dallas who are interested in the health professions. The PHS provides information on application to medical schools, dental schools, veterinary schools, PA/PT schools, and any other Health professions institutions.
General information on the requirements for the pre-health professions is available below.

Faculty Advisor: Drew Stenesen, Ph.D.

Download our Pre-Health Brochure.



 Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society functions as an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences. Its activities are designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences.

Faculty Advisor: William Cody, Ph.D.


University of Dallas Journal of Science

 The University of Dallas Journal of Science was founded to perpetuate and showcase academic excellence through scientific research, analysis, and discussion in the undergraduate community.

UD Journal of Science Website


Women in STEM

 The Women in STEM club is an inclusive club geared to positively impact and inform all students regardless of gender, race, or field of study by providing students with a network group to connect and receive support from each other to pursue leadership positions, as well as through guest lectures and interactive dialogues pertaining to the interests of the members. The Women in STEM club hopes through their work and their mission to specifically connect STEM undergraduate students and students considering STEM majors with successful female professionals in both formal and informal settings. In addition, this club aims to encourage a constructive and ongoing dialogue regarding the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields. 

The objective of the Women in Stem club is to connect female STEM undergraduate students and students considering STEM majors with successful female professionals in both formal and informal settings. In addition, this club aims to encourage a dialogue about the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields.