+Part of the UD Core Curriculum
*Required of Economics Majors & Economics and Finance Majors
**Required only of Economics and Finance Majors
1311. Fundamentals of Economics+*. Introduction to the fundamental conceptsv developed by modern economists for understanding
the nature of the exchange economy and explaining the uniqueness of its prosperity
in contrast to other economic systems. Special emphasis is placed on the U.S. economy
as a source of examples and a medium for explanation. Readings from original sources
stimulate awareness of distinctive alternative views of central economic questions
as well as of the ethical dimension of economic activity. Fall, Spring. and Summer
3312. Intermediate Microeconomic Theory*. Modern consumer theory and the theory of the firm. Market coordination and adjustment.
Topics include: consumer demand, theories of production and production costs, pricing
and output under competitive and non-competitive conditions, factor usage and pricing,
and rudiments of general equilibrium analysis. Prerequisite: Economics 1311. Fall
3320. Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory*. The determination of national output, income and employment in the long run and
short run. National income accounting. Full employment, long run macroeconomics. International
trade and finance in the long run. Introduction to monetary theory. The static and
dynamic versions of the equation of exchange, the velocity of money, inflation and
deflation. An introduction to business cycle theory. The aggregate demand-aggregate
supply model. The IS-LM framework in closed and open economies. Fiscal and monetary
policy in the long run and the short run. The expectations adjusted Phillips Curve
and the policy trade-off. Prerequisite: Economics, 1311. Spring.
3322. Fundamentals of Finance*. The basic concepts of finance and an introduction to the mathematics of finance.
Financial institutions, markets and financial statements. The basic principles of
cash flow analysis, key financial ratios, interest rates and taxes on returns to investment.
The risk and return trade-off, time value analysis, present and future values, financing
options, and valuation of bonds and common stock. An individual, empirical project
enables students to evaluate the financial condition of contemporary business firms.
Students may substitute Business 3310. Only Economics 3322 OR Business 3310 may be
taken for upper level Economics Credit. Prerequisite: Economics 1311.
3327. Statistical Theory and Methods*. Parametric and non-parametric techniques utilized in statistical analysis. Major
topics include sampling, probability analysis, hypothesis testing, normal distribution,
the binomial distribution, analysis of variance, correlation, simple regression, and
statistical inference. An individual project exemplifies real life application of
techniques of research design and inference. No prerequisite. Fall.
3328. Econometrics*. Extends applications of statistical techniques to business, economic analysis and
basic econometrics. Stochastic multiple regression and CLR models are investigated
and harmonized with time series models. Underlying assumptions are probed in detail
and solutions are discussed to overcome violations. Qualitative dummy variables and
Bayesian approach are introduced in regression. Time series analysis with Box-Jenkins,
VAR, and ECM models as well as Panel data is investigated to prepare best possible
forecasting models. An individual project enables students to apply methodology to
a practical situation. Prerequisite: Economics 3327. Spring.
3329. Quantitative Economics. A mathematical restatement of the economic theory contained in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Topics include: indifference analysis, isoquant analysis, cost minimization, profit maximization, equilibrium conditions in final goods and factor markets, general equilibrium of a market economy. Keynesian multipliers, and the IS, LM and Aggregate Demand model. Mathematical tools used to express these relationships include functions of one or more variables, simple differentiation, partial and total differentiation, matrix algebra, simple differential equations, exponents and logs. Prerequisite: Economics 1311.
3330. International Economics and Finance**. The microeconomic and macroeconomic foundations of international trade and finance. Classical and modern versions of comparative advantage. Tariffs and other forms of protectionism. Balance of payments, exchange rates, and adjustment mechanisms. Foreign commercial policies of the United States. The functioning of the international monetary system. Prerequisite: Economics 1311. Fall.
3340. Money, Banking and Financial Markets*. Emphasis on financial markets and institutions. The foundations of interest rates
in the principles of discounting, and the role of interest rates in the temporal allocation
of goods, services and productive resources. Money, asset markets and interest rate
determination. The risk and term structure of interest rates. The structure and performance
of financial markets, including the economics of asymmetric information, financial
regulation, the risk-return trade off, derivatives, and Efficient Capital Market theory.
Exchange rate determination and international finance. The economics of fractional
reserve banking and the money supply process. Central banking and the goals and targets
of monetary policy. Fall.
4325. History of Economic Thought*. The development of economic philosophy from its origins in ancient Greece to current
developments in modern microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory. Emphasis on
original texts by Aristotle, Aquinas, Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keynes, and Hayek et al.
The historical, cultural and social context within which economic theory developed,
and how real economic and philosophical currents influence inquiry and innovation
in economic science and practice. Prerequisites: Economics 1311. Spring .
4332. Comparative Economic Systems. The diversity of approaches human communities have taken to solving economic questions.
The similarities and differences between countries with varied forms of economic organization
such as capitalism, communism, socialism, and communalism, from their philosophical
origins to their implementation in real world economic systems. Developing economies,
economies in transition, and wartime economies such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan
are also addressed. How modern systems engage differently with issues such as healthcare,
immigration, education, crisis and financial markets, economic development, and the
environment. Prerequisite: Economics 1311. Spring.
4334. Industrial Organization. Structure and performance of markets. Evaluation
of government regulation of monopoly and antitrust policy. A critical examination
of the theories of concentration, advertising, dominant firms, and other purported
anti-competitive influences.
4335. Economic Development. An examination of the different theoretical approaches that seek to explain economic
change and development in less developed geographic and geopolitical entities. An
examination of important economic institutions and theories of development, including
the Catholic Church's approach to economic development related issues, and current
data about the developing world. Important controversies in the area of economic development,
such as inequality, education, health, food, micro credit and finance, international
trade and international aid and development policies. Attention will also be paid
to current policy and practice of international governments and aid organizations
in the developing world. Prerequisite: Economics 1311. Fall.
4336. Labor Economics. Labor productivity, unemployment, and wage determination.
Role of organized labor. Problems of labor immobility and stratification of
opportunity. Government labor policies.
4337. Managerial Finance**. Short term and long term financial decision making at the level of the individual
business firm. Liquidity management, cash budgeting, capital budgeting, risk analysis,
capital structure, cost of capital, leveraging, dividend policy, current assets and
liabilities management, hybrid and derivative securities, mergers, and divestitures.
Emphasis is placed on implications of globalization for financial decision making.
An individual project provides hands-on experience in dealing with a hypothetical
financial problem at the firm level. Prerequisite: Economics 3322.
4338. Public Finance**. A factual and theoretical examination of government expenditures and revenues; with
special attention paid to the long-term viability of social insurance programs such
as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. A critical assessment of the U.S. tax
system. The economic impact of public debt. Prerequisite: Economics 1311.
4339. Political Economy. The relationship between the economic and political spheres: monism v. pluralism.
Market failure and public policy analysis: the economics of governmental policies
and programs directed toward regulation and control of business. Introduction to public
choice theory. Prerequisite: Economics 1311.
4340. Law and Economics. The impact of tort, contract, criminal and property law on incentives and economic
behavior. Legal reasoning and its relationship to economic analysis. Economic factors
in the evolution of common law precedents. Constitutional and legislative questions
in the economic analysis of law. Prerequisite: Economics 1311.
4341. Economics Ethics. An examination of the relevance of economic insights to ethical reasoning. The
limits of economics in the determination of correct public policy; the division of
labor between economics and ethics in the area of public policy. Critical assessment
of recent major works in social ethics. Prerequisite: Economics 1311.
4343. Western Economic History I. The causes, consequences and implications of the economic development of the North
Atlantic community from the medieval period to the present. Prerequisite: Economics
1311. Juniors and Seniors only, or consent of instructor. Fall.
4356. Special Topics. Offered periodically in response to the interests of faculty and students.
4V61. Independent Research. An opportunity to conduct a special program of inquiry under the guidance of an
individual faculty member. Credit varies from 1-3 hours. Approval of the department
chair AND the individual faculty member who will be supervising the independent research
project is required.
BUS 1310. Principles of Accounting I. Offered through the College of Business. See College of Business course listings
for description and availability.