The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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The education concentration is designed to offer students, who are interested in teaching, opportunities to gain foundational knowledge, methodology, and practical experience in the field of education. Student engaged in the Education Concentration can expect to gain:
1) a broad understanding of the K - 12 student2) an introduction to research-based strategies for teaching critical content areas3) proficiency in planning effective instruction and competently assessing student performance4) opportunities to transform theory into practice with teaching experiences in actual classrooms under the supervision of university faculty and accomplished classroom teachers.
All students seeking the Education Concentration are required to take the following 6 credit hours:
Required additional courses:
Pick one of the following sets of courses:
Total: 18 hours
N.B.: Earning this concentration will not also earn a student Texas State Teaching Certification. If a student has completed all requirements for Certification, however, then that student has also earned this concentration--with one exception: Interdisciplinary Studies Majors are ineligible for this concentration.