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Office: Anselm Hall #221
Office Hours: MWF 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.; SBH 306 / TR 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.; AH 221 or by Appointment
OFFICE HOURS FALL 2024: MWF 12-1:00pm SB Hall 306; TTH 12-12:30pm Anselm 221
Dr. Valeria Forte joined the Italian faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Dallas in 2003. Since her appointment, she has been actively involved in the UD Italian program in Rome and the development of UD’s Italian concentration and Italian major. She was Director of the UD Italian program from 2007-2016 and teaches all levels of Italian language and literature. Her areas of expertise include classical influences in Italian literature, Italian Medieval and Renaissance literature, the role of Jewish thought in Medieval Italy, Italian religious and mystical literature, and the relationship between European philosophy and Italian literature. Other aspects of her research focus on Petrarch, Italian epic poetry, Italian Neoclassicism and Romanticism, the poetry and philosophy of Leopardi, Pascoli and Italian Decadentism, the Futurism of D’Annunzio, and Verga’s contribution to Italian Verismo. Dr. Forte also devotes her academic interest to research on effective methodologies of Italian language teaching, questions of translation, and the classical etymology of Italian language. She has also expanded her understanding of Italian origins with studies in Mediterranean and biblical archaeology. Dr. Forte’s most recent research focuses on the historical, spiritual and cultural interaction between Rome and Jerusalem. She is actively engaged with academic institutions in the US, Europe and Israel where she presents her research.
Italian Literature
Jewish Studies
Italian Program
Classics Program