Theology Professor Mark Lowery to Retire from UD
After 27 years at the University, Dr. Mark Lowery is retiring from the University of Dallas. Since 1988, Dr. Lowery has served as professor of moral theology in the department of theology, as well as having served as chair of the department for almost half of that time. Dr. Lowery is the author of numerous writings in moral theology, as well as his book Living the Good Life: What Every Catholic Should Know About Moral Issues. He has been prominently involved in the Society of Catholic Social Scientists.
He is famous among students for his brilliant teaching and deep appreciation of Catholic theological tradition. He helped students delight in the process of learning, always ready with a joke or a humorous anecdote to illustrate the point at hand.
In the last few years Dr. Lowery could be seen often meeting with students after class at the Cappuccino Bar, discussing theology and playing the card game “set.” His legacy is perhaps best seen in the number of students who continue to stay in touch and thank him for his classes. At last year’s graduation gala, numerous former students came up to thank him, some 20 or 30 years later, for all they had learned from him: businessmen, parents, religious.
Even through his recent illness, he has not failed to be present to his students and colleagues. His unfailing good cheer and even serenity—without hiding his own physical difficulties—have been an inspiration to many students, alumni, faculty and staff. Dr. Lowery embodies how the liberal arts can transform one’s life Christologically, facing the challenges of suffering and limitation with the grace of one of his own inspirational mentors, St. John Paul II.
The University of Dallas offers profound thanks to him for the gift he has been to all of us.