Homeschool Open House

Homeschool Open House

UD from a homeschooler’s eyes...

June 28, 2024

Homeschool high school students and their parents are invited to spend a day on the UD campus during our Homeschool Open House. Learn what entails a successful college application for homeschool students; sample college-level coursework by attending mock lectures; enjoy a lunch with fellow homeschooled students; familiarize yourself with campus on a tour, where you'll see classrooms, student hangouts and residence halls. The Homeschool Open House is a great opportunity to gather more information about applying to UD and colleges in general as a homeschooler. Admission counselors will be available to meet with you to answer any questions you have about the application process, scholarships, financial aid or student life. We look forward to welcoming you to campus! Click here to view the previous schedule .