The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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Small class sizes and a robust curriculum give biology majors at the University of Dallas the chance to conduct original research under the close mentorship of faculty members.
Through observation and experiments, biologists gain an understanding of the nature and functions of the living world, integrating this knowledge with the aid of chemistry, physics and mathematics. Students at the University of Dallas explore biology through an active learning process that incorporates hands-on experience in the laboratory and field.
Biology is the exploration of the entire world of the living and the material universe as it relates to living processes. Through the study of biology, students gain an understanding of the nature and behavior of the living world and integrate this knowledge with the aid of chemistry, physics and mathematics. Scientific truths and concepts are presented in such a way as to challenge students to take an active part in the learning process through hands-on laboratory and field experiences.
The Biology curriculum is divided into three levels to ensure exploration of the full breadth of the biological sciences. In the Molecules to Cells level, students explore cellular and subcellular processes through examination of microbiology, molecular biology, genetics and cell physiology. The second level, Cells to Organisms, examines the arrangement of cells into higher-order organization in the organism through the study of anatomy, physiology, plant biology and developmental biology. At the Organisms to Populations level, the interaction between organisms and their environment is expanded to include ecological, behavioral and evolutionary processes. Students majoring in biology complete upper-division course work at each of these levels, while also having the opportunity to spend additional course work going into greater depth within a level.
The Biology Department curriculum is designed to prepare students for graduate work at the master’s or PhD level, for teaching in junior high and high school and for pursuing laboratory or field-based research careers. The curriculum includes course work necessary for satisfying entrance requirements to schools in health related fields such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and physical therapy.
A program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry is offered jointly between the Departments of Biology and Chemistry.
The University of Dallas has a long and successful history of providing academically superior pre-health programs. Our success rate with students obtaining acceptance into medical and health-related professional schools is well-documented and places our institution at or near the top of all universities in the state. An excellent student-to-faculty ratio allows for personalized advising and ensures a meaningful recommendation letter when the time comes.
Toby Lab Publication: Hey, Sara, Dayjah Whyte, Minh-Chau Hoang, Nick Le, Joseph Natvig, Claire Wingfield, Charles Onyeama, Judie Howrylak, and Inimary T. Toby. "Analysis of CDR3 Sequences from T-Cell Receptor β in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome." Biomolecules 13, no. 5 (2023): 825.
Soper Lab Publication: Soper, D. M., T. R. Raffel, J. P. Sckrabulis, K. L. Froelich, B. A. McPhail, M. D. Ostrowski, R. L. Reimink, D. Romano, S. P. Rudko, and P. C. Hanington. "A novel schistosome species hosted by Planorbella (Helisoma) trivolvis is the most widespread swimmer's itch-causing parasite in Michigan inland lakes." Parasitology 150, no. 1 (2023): 88-97.
Soper Lab Publication: Patterns of gene expression in ovaries of sexual vs. asexual lineages of a freshwater snail, Frontiers In Genetics 15 July 2022.
Soper Lab Publication: Growth and Cyclin-E Expression in the Stony Coral Species Orbicella faveolata Post-Microfragmentation, The Biological Bulletin, February 2022, volume 242, number 1: 40-47.
Soper Lab Publication: Direct evidence for increased disease resistance in polyandrous broods exists only in eusocial Hymenoptera, BMC Ecol Evo 21, 189 (2021).
Toby Lab Publication: A Data Report on the Curation and Development of a Database of Genes for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Frontiers In Genetics 09 December 2021.
The Soper Lab is using the SEM microscope to better understand both morphological structures and physiological processes. We use the SEM to examine the genitalia of fruit flies and snails. Genitalia is frequently analyzed by biologists because it is a quickly evolving trait, which can lead to speciation. Frequently, especially in insects, it is the only trait taxonomists can use to distinguish different species.
Assistant Professor, Biology
Phone: (972) 721-5045
Office: Haggerty Science Center #28
Office Hours: MWF 9:30-10:00 am or by Appointment
Associate Professor, Interim Chair, Biology
Phone: (972) 721-5192
Office: Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center #139
Office Hours: By Appointment
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Affiliate Assistant Professor of Biology
Phone: (972) 721-5170
Office: Haggerty Science Center #028
Office Hours:
Associate Professor, Biology
Phone: (972) 265-5719
Office: Haggerty Science Center #140
Office Hours: MWF 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Biology
Phone: (972) 721-5168
Office: Haggerty Science Center #111 A
Phone: (972) 721-5245
Office: Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center #145
Office Hours: T 11:00am-12:00pm or by Appointment
Associate Professor, Chair, Biology
Phone: (972) 721-5047
Office: Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center #143
Phone: (972) 721-5109
Office: Haggerty Science Center #141
Office Hours: M 2:15-3:15 p.m. or by Appointment