Student Complaint Procedure for the University of Dallas Educator Preparation Program (EPP)
The University of Dallas is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. In an instance of perceived violation of a University policy, a student may file a complaint. This policy provides two avenues for pursuing a complaint: an Informal Resolution Procedure and a Formal Resolution Procedure. Students may utilize either or both procedures.
For problems other than academic issues, students who have a grievance with the Educator Preparation Program should address it with the mentor teacher or field supervisor first, the Chair of the Department of Education, then the Constantin College Dean. If the entire process does not result in resolution of the issue, the student may forward the written complaint to TEA.
TEA Complaint Process:
The official TEA complaint process can be found at:
Scroll down and select “Educator Preparation Programs”. Complainants may contact TEA staff directly at:
The complaint process allows for an applicant or a candidate in an educator preparation program to seek redress in areas where they feel that the program did not fulfill requirements for certification or for actions that the candidate feels are wrong. Educator preparation programs may also file a complaint about the actions of other programs when it involves a candidate transferring into a program.
Not all complaints fall under the authority of TEA. TEA has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of noncompliance regarding specific laws and rules, generally related to state and federal requirements. Complaints may address educator preparation program requirements listed in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) in Chapters 227, 228, 229, ethics (TAC 247), fingerprinting (TAC §§227,232) and certification (TAC §§230, 231, 232, 239, 241, 242)
All complaints filed with the TEA must be in writing. We do not accept complaints by phone or complaints that are submitted anonymously. A person or entity may file a written complaint with TEA by filling out the complaint form online or by mailing or faxing a hard copy to the address on the form. You may fax your submission to (512) 463-9008 or email it to
To adequately review and address a complaint, TEA needs specific details. We must be able to identify a clear violation of TAC and determine whether the agency has authority to act upon the allegation.
Complaints submissions should include the following:
- The reasons you believe the issues raised in your complaint are valid. You should also indicate how you believe that TEA can assist you with this matter. Remember that TEA cannot assist you in understanding your contractual arrangement with the educator preparation program, arranging for a refund, obtaining a higher grade or credit for training, or seeking reinstatement to an educator preparation program.
- Documentation to support your claim when possible. For example, if you refer in your complaint to an educator preparation program policy, include a copy of the policy with your complaint. Helpful documentation might include letters or e-mails exchanged between the parties.
Texas Education Agency staff will send confirmation of a complaint within 30 days of receiving the submission. Remember, information the public sends to TEA by email may not be secure. Do not email sensitive information to TEA. The agency will remove confidential or sensitive information when replying by email. TEA will maintain confidentiality of information to the extent the law allows.
Referenced requirement: TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE §228. 70
UD Student Complaint Procedure
The University of Dallas is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. In an instance of perceived violation of a University policy, a student may file a complaint. This policy provides two avenues for pursuing a complaint: an Informal Resolution Procedure and a Formal Resolution Procedure. Students may utilize either or both procedures.
Informal Resolution Procedure
The student arranges a meeting with the person involved with the complaint and/or with the direct supervisor of the person involved. For example, a student who perceives that he or she has been graded unfairly on an assignment should meet with the faculty member who assigned the grade. In this example, the meeting with the faculty member may be followed up with a meeting with the department chair or the original meeting might be with the department chair. Another example would be a complaint in the Office of Finance involving the Bursar. The student would meet with the Bursar and/or the Director of Finance.
If the informal process does not resolve the complaint, the student may utilize the formal complaint procedure.
Formal Resolution Procedure
The University of Dallas welcomes the opportunity to address and respond to complaints that someone might have regarding the University, its operations, or its community. The University provides a comprehensive reporting system which can be accessed online (including anonymously) at
or by calling toll-free to the University’s Compliance Reporting Hotline at (888) 317-8072. Complaints received through the University's reporting system are directed to the appropriate department or office for handling, in accordance with University policy. University policy may be found online in the Policy Repository and in the Student, Employee, and Faculty Handbooks.