Affiliate Assistant Professor
- S.S.D., Biblical Sciences, Pontifical Biblical Institute
(Rome, Italy, 2008) - S.S.L., Licentiate in Biblical Sciences, Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome, Italy, 1998)
- S.T.B., (B.A. Theology) Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (Rome, Italy, 1994)
- B.A., Philosophy, Pontifical Gregorian University
(Rome, Italy, 1991)
Academic Appointments
University of Dallas
- Affiliate Assistant Professor, Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization, 2014-present
- Instructor at the Diocese of Knoxville, TN, Neuhoff Institute Catholic Biblical School, 2013
- Instructor at the Diocese of Las Cruces, Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization Catholic Biblical School, 2012
St. Mary's Seminary and University
Assistant Professor of Sacred Scripture, 2011-2014
Highlands Institute
Religion Professor, 2000-2002
Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
Assistant Professor, 1998-2003
Select Publications
- Influjos sapienciales en el libro de Oseas, Romae 2008.
- "L'Eucaristia, baluardo e sorgente della comunione ecclesiale nella prima lettera ai corinzi" In Violi, G. (ed.), E il Verbo si è fatto 'pane'. L'eucaristia tra Antico e Nuovo Testamento. Cittadella Editrice. Assisi (PG) 2009, 53-68.
- Pentateuco: Genesis, Exodo, Levitico, Numeros. Liguori Publications, 2015.
- Los Profetas Menores, Liguori Publications, 2016 (in printing).
Rafael Ramirez, SSD, has designed and delivered numerous courses conferences for several dioceses, colleges, and universities such as the Archdiocese of San Antonio, the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the University of Dallas Ministry Conference, St. Mary's Seminary and University and the Institut Le Chatelard. His topics have included the Gospel of John, the Book of Job, Theology of Revelation and Rhetoric and Speaking.
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Catholic Biblical Association
- Associazione Biblica Italiana
- American Schools of Oriental Research